Yep. 2009 is almost here. one more month to go. I'm lining up my schedule now. wanted to put these out there so you can tell me if I'm crazy or not. This is only a starting point, i'm sure the gaps will fill in with smaller 5k's or something.
1/3 - half marathon in Travelers Rest - real near the house
2/14 – myrtle beach marathon - Our first marathon ever
4/4 - cooper river bridge run 10k - This is in Charleston, SC on the coast. My middle brother lives there, and he wants me to run this one with him. It's a real destination race. You should consider it if you've never done it. The bridge is amazing, and there's going to be 50,000 people running this thing!
4/25 – Langley Pond international distance tri – I really want to get an international distance tri done in the spring, this one’s in aiken, which is about an hour and a half drive southeast from me. Also, the course looks appropriate for my first Oly. Boy it's going to be great to get back into tri season again!
5/3 – Lake Murray sprint – near Wifey's mom’s place at the lake. This is sort of in the middle of South Carolina, at a large and fairly warm lake.
6/27 – maybe a triathlon here in Greenville running as a team with stu from the office swimming, I do the bike and Wifey does the run part
7/12 – Raleigh Sprint tri goes near Wifey's dad's house - one other note: My birthday is 7/7, and Wifey has a sister whose birthday is 7/12 (but she's way older than me). So it might not be the best time to go to her dad's house to blow off my birthday and crash her sister's. This one might get dropped.
8/16 – Greenville Sprint tri – this is the one I did 2008 and you should do it with me 2009
11/7 – Beach 2 Battleship half iron - The big boy. My first half. 70.3 miles of sweat, sand, and sheer determination. I have no dreams of turning iron one day. Just trying to avoid the Iron Lung. So I think I'm going to get a 70.3 tattoo on my right calf if I can finish this bad boy.
So I'm staring down a half mary, full mary, 10k, 3 sprint tri's, 1 oly, and the b2b half iron. Did I mention this is only my second year racing? 3 tri's in SC, 2 in NC. Everything is fairly flat. Only the Greenville sprint is listed as a moderate course. nothing too difficult. And 3 running only races. I still have to come up with a century or half century bike ride for the summer or fall. But I think I'm going to join the local cycling club the Greenville Spinners in the spring. And maybe the Greenville Track Club. Supposedly there is a Greenville Triathlon club too, but I can't find anything about it. If they are that disorganized, I'll just stick with the Spinners and GTC.
Setup Events is the largest and most organized triathlon organization here in south carolina, north carolina and virginia. You will not find a better group of race leaders. They just announced the 2009 schedule December 1st, so I was finally able to get a plan together. I'm sure I'll throw in some more running races, I really want to do the Ache Around the Lake again. But seriously, if you want to come down south for a race, check the setup events calendar. They are the best.
And since I have to throw in something girlish to break up this manly, testosterone filled charade, something really cool happened last night!
I tried on my "skinny" jeans, and they fit like a glove! Who does that the week after thanksgiving? What kind of man seriously has a pile of skinny jeans lying around? How did he eat that much cake and then get into the skinny jeans? All valid questions. the answers: nobody smart, a very gay man, and it must have been the running that did it. But the belt has been holding on at the smallest notch for like a week now, so I thought I would give the skinny jeans another shot. I'm still filled with surprise. 3 of the 5 pairs fit well. They will be a little more comfy in another week or two, I'm sure. But I'm still quite happy.
Also, we got our christmas tree last night. The girls are ecstatic. They are ready to decorate the bottom 3 feet this morning. My youngest brother Morgan is coming over, and I'm sure I'll have some pics to share soon. It's going to be bad ass christmas tree decorating in action. Working from home has its benefits sometimes. This kind of makes the social depravation worth it.
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
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This is the gazillionth (ok I exaggerate :P) blog I've read with someone doing the Beach 2 Battleship. Dang is it a big one or something?
you are totally crazy - but that's an awesome schedule!
Wow that's one hell of a schedule!
I'm glad to see you are taking at least one month off from a race of some sort. LORD that's a lot of goals! Good on you - and enjoy the decorating.
Langley Pond will be fun. I did that one last year. Good venue.
TYB Racing is a local outfit, and a friend of mine is in it. You can contact David at this email address if you want!
Looks like a busy year! I love the variety!
I have seen others saying they are doing the Beach 2 Battleship Iron... too bad I wasn't ready to train for something like that. Maybe in 2010!
Hey, I'll be at Myrtle beach marathon too... small world.
One thing.
I felt a little gay reading about your "skinny jeans"...not that there is anything wrong with that!
Wow that is one ambitious schedule---but I love it! After the San Diego Marathon at the end of May, I'd like to train for a Sprint Tri. I've done a couple as relays, I'm the swimmer of the group, and have always wanted to try one (no pun intended).
I love that you have Skinny jeans! Sadly, my skinny jeans are not even close to zipping, thanks to a year of ups and downs and an extra 10 lbs =(. I'll get those bad boys back on one day...glad yours are on!
That's a good looking schedule. I just started compiling my 2009 list today.
And skinny jeans? Dude ...
Nice job on the skinnies!!! If you can kick ass on the holidays - you can survive anything.
The Upstate Tri Club dissolved a few years ago. Unfortunate, really, as it left a vacuum of tri clubs. But, since then, the Caine Halter Y has developed sort of a tri club (contact Beth Coe for status), and I think Al from Go Tri Sports is going to have a tri club team next year. Randy from Carolina Tri has threatened for a few years to start a tri team, but so far only sponsors a cycling team. I'm sure there would be interest if you wanted to get the ball rolling!
NICE schedule! 2009's gonna rock!!
Hey, good news - my hubby and I are going to do the B2B half as a relay. So we'll get to meet!
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