Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Almost Wordless Wednesday

Evil Genius put on Mommy's jeans and decided to wear her bra as a hat.  She's growing up so fast, she'll be a drunk college boy before I know what happened.


Amber said...

Hahahaha. My five year old niece put on her moms bra and a pair of skinny jeans the other day and came traipsing out into the room saying she was Justin Bieber. HAHA. Her dad just about died. Kids are hilarious

Lisa's Yarns said...

haha that picture epitomizes her spirit so well. You might just have your hands full with this one! :)

Karen said...

She cracks me up!

Michelle said...

That's awesome :D

Unknown said...

I'm sure it's not the case when they're on Kelly... but on her, those are total mom jeans!