Self portrait in the snow

I still wore my trail running shoes to play in the snow
Have a great weekend! Enjoy the snow in the southeast. I have my bike on the trainer and Eleanor is making cookies.
I smoked over a pack a day for 15 years and got really overweight. Now I'm an endurance junkie with lots of marathons, century rides, half and full ironmans, and ultramarathons under my belt. Check back often to watch the progress from smoking 26.2 cigarettes a day to running 26.2 miles, or from Iron Lung to Ironman.
I like the shoe print pic! :-) A good day for cookies?!
Save me some cookies!
Wow that's a load of snow for your neck of the woods! Enjoy it! Cookies sound gooood!
Holy Moly that is a lot of snow for you Southerners. I wish I still thought the snow was fun (after the first few months I am DONE!)
We call that a "dusting" where I come from. And it's frankly not that enjoyable. I do love running in it, though. Nice to get a Southerner's perspective on winter!
Haha we call that "dusting" where I come from, too. Bummer the trail race got canceled though!
You've got more snow than we do! We got a dusting over night, very light and powdery. The rest had melted, so we can't even sled. At least we're out of the negative wind chills finally! Enjoy that white stuff!
Wow, that is alot of snow... I kind of wish we'd get a snow storm. I mean, I would still have to work, but I think I could probably work from home and working from home in my pjs instead of in a stupid business suit would be great. I am kind of over the whole business suit thing. I always thought it would be so fun to wear business suits. I think I thought I'd feel like a real adult. 4 months into the new gig, I hate business suits.
Ok, totally went off topic there... It sucks that you were w/out your girls this weekend but i am glad you are safe and didn't risk the drive...
That's a real treat for us southern boyz... now warmth and SUNSHINE!!
Thanks for the comment big dog. One day I will get good enough to get sponsored like you!
Boooo snow lol. What is with all this snow dumping on the South this year. That's not normally the way it works.
So glad the snow and ice stayed up "North."
I found your blog through someone else and have been lurking a while. It's about time I post! :) The snow looks nice in Raleigh... everyone freaking out though??? Just play in it and call that a workout! Hope the cookies were good!
You've got more snow than I do in Wisconsin - I can see the grass starting to peak through! Enjoy the snow!
Loving your blog!
heehee, you have more snow than us too, BUT i'm in no way laughing and am TOTALLY KNOCKING ON WOOD!!! :) Great pics!
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