Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Change #1

is a small one. It's my age! Today I turn 34 years old. I'm finally living up to my racing age! I don't think my birthday is a big deal. I got a set of Perfect Pushups, and I think tonight 8 pm we're going to Barley's in downtown Greenville for the Tour de France viewing party with some bikey peeps, if we can secure some babysitting. Love to see any of you locals out there!

I've got change on the brain lately. Not Obama style change in family policy or anything. In my 34 years I have found that change in any variety is the only thing that is constant. You have to learn in life how to roll with the punches and make the best out of anything that gets thrown at you. And you have to know how to throw some stuff instead of just being a victim all the time. My monthly horoscope says:

The first [eclipse] will arrive as a full moon lunar eclipse July 7 in Capricorn. As it is a lunar eclipse, and since the moon rules your sign, you tend to feel lunar eclipses strongly. This one will light your house of partnerships, emphasizing your present alliances but also those from the past. This is a full moon, so your relationship is about to reach a culmination point of great importance.

Most eclipses set up a sudden development, but because so much happens at eclipse time, it is hard to see all the facts at once. I always say that there is a second act with eclipses, so be patient, as more news will come to you. Eclipses will illuminate your relationship in a new way, and for some, it will test the strength of the tie. They are meant to keep you moving forward, so often our timetables are dramatically speeded up after an eclipse occurs

So I have the feeling that more change is going to get thrown at me within the next 5 days. I don't really know what, but I have some ideas that I don't really want to reveal publicly yet. All I can do is punch back. If you know me privately, you know that I take the term "laid back" to new levels. I've got a very thick skin and can handle anything with a calm dignity. So when something bad happens, I tend to see the silver lining. Everything has a good side, and we should all try to find it in every situation, no matter how bad it may seem.

I got Jenny back from the shop yesterday. After they replaced the broken spoke, retensioned the rear wheel everything seemed to straighten out. I need to get her back on the road soon to see how she rides now.

Yesterday Evil Genius started her swimming lessons, and Bigun starts today. I was supposed to get in a swim/bike brick yesterday, but Kelley was under the weather so I ended up caretaking instead. Today I'm supposed to do a short swim (1000 m) and 4 mile run. I might try and take care of that over lunch so we can hit the bar tonight. Kelley's feeling better today too. And EG loved swimming! they practice the baby basics, blowing bubbles in the water, kicking, the arm movements, jumping into a parent's arms (she loved that one). I can't wait to see what they have in store for Bigun tonight.

Thursday Big Brother starts on CBS! I am absolutely obsessed with big brother. I love the strategy, the arrogant players, it's just so much fun to watch some people play it smart and others crash and burn. Ah, the BB10 glory gets underway in only 2 days! I can't wait! I watch all the episodes, TiVo the Showtime2 coverage from midnight to 3 am, but i'm to cheap to pay for the internet feed. as a personal challenge, I've been trying to find Big Brother seasons on DVD from other countries. The british BB is a great challenge. You can find YouTube clips of 5 min segments, but not whole seasons. Let me know if you've seen anything.


Mel-2nd Chances said...

Happy Birthday!! Glad the girls are enjoying the swimming :) I like Big Brother too... I just love watching Big Brother too, and some of the other reality shows for the dynamics of people. Some of them also make me feel better about my own life :) Enjoy your day!

Steve Stenzel said...

Happy Birthday!!!

Good luck with the "change." I bet you and I roll with the punches in a similar way...

Have a great one!!

B. Kramer said...

Happy 34th. Good luck with the changes. Enjoy your day.

Amber said...


I'm SO freaking excited for Big Brother too! I missed last years, but I've watched every other season religiously!

Wes said...

Happy Birthday, bro! Yea, the only constant in life is change... True, dat!

Ashley said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY, JOHN!!!! I hope your day is spectacular! :)

Alisa said...

Happy Birthday!

love that your daughters are into swimming-I heart swimming.

Big Brother makes me laugh-a lot!

Jess said...

Happy birthday!

Jess said...

Happy birthday! I used to love BB, but I haven't watched it in a while.

teacherwoman said...

Something positive comes of every negative. I like to believe that.

carrie said...

Happy Day to yoU!

Aron said...

Happy birthday!!!! :)

Anonymous said...

happy birthday again! hope you were able to line up childcare so you could hit barley's....YUMMY!

Missy said...

Yay for Birthday! Mmmm, changes, doesn't really sound like the kind you're looking for either. Hang tough and hold your ground.

Unknown said...

I will have to check out Big Brothers now. Do you watch the Superstars? I love that show!!!

Happy belated birthday!

healthy ashley said...

I love your philosophy on life! Happy late birthday! I think it's a big deal :)

RBR said...

Last one on the bus, but


I hope Kelley is feeling better soon. Sucks to be sick in the summer!

I threw down a little gauntlet to you on my blog... ;o)

Michelle said...

Obviously, I don't know what the big "change" might be but I hope it comes with some silver linings.
Happy birthday.