Monday's fruit detox day went pretty well. I went with mostly bananas, eating about 20 on the day. I also had a bowl of cut fruit like canteloupe and whatever that green melon is, and downed 2 apples. Plenty of calories for the day, I stayed full the whole time. Monday night I went to the gym and did some strength training and rode 20 miles on the stationary bike. I also did yoga that morning. And I had plenty of energy for all of those workouts.
Monday's weight was 182.6 lbs at 21.7% body fat, which is up slightly from last tuesday's 181.4 lbs and 20.8% bf. But that's normal, I would still consider the effects from last week's fruit detox day to be still there. I didn't go straight back to 185+ lbs like I was last monday. So how did it go this week? Tuesday morning's weight was 179.6 lbs and 20.2% bf. That's the first time since Jan 13 that I've come in under 180 so I'm very happy about that. I'm also very close now to getting under 20% body fat, which is another goal. At the peak of my Ironman build last year I was around 175 lbs with 18% body fat, and if I can get close to that by just adding more fruit to my meals instead of adding another 20 hours a week of training then I'll do that and be happy about it.
I'll call these Fruit Detox Monday's a huge success. Others are starting to agree with me too. Several people at the swim practice last night remarked how thin I was looking. Plus others are starting to catch on. My friends Jeff and Christina are going all fruit today. Christina also has another friend that is giving it a try. Even Kelley is getting on the bandwagon. So that's pretty cool.
Workouts are also going great this week. Saturday was a fun 1800 yard swim with a 20 mile bike ride for a new brick. Then sunday was Bigun's birthday so I squeezed in a time crunched 18 mile ride/3 mile run brick. Monday had the 20 mile bike ride, and yesterday was a fast 4 mile tempo run in 29:52 over lunch followed by 2700 yards in the pool for a RAM practice. The most interesting thing about the RAM practice was seeing Erica there. Erica qualified for the olympic trials in the 50m freestyle, so I thought she was going to be in Omaha this week. I have really enjoyed watching the swim trials on tv and looking for her.
The end of June is almost here! Have a great week!
Vegan Lemon Cake (oil-free)
22 hours ago
20 bananas? for reals. the sh*& is bananas!! :) glad you're finding what's working.
I am intrigued by this fruit day concept! I might have to give it a try when I get back from my vacation!
I like the idea of a fruit day. However, one fruit only is not so great. I think if I could just have any fruit, all day, I would be good.
That is a ton of bananas. I think I would definitely have to mix it up quite a bit. But I could totally eat fruit all day.
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