and you'll find me hiding in the shaded end of the pool. Here's what happened in June:
Swim: 21,900 yards, 10 swims, 2 races
Bike: 223 miles, 12 rides
Run: 38.6 miles, 10 runs, 1 race
Strength: 13 workouts
Yoga: 24 workouts
Yes finally! I got over 20,000 yards in the pool. That's some pretty serious volume, and volume is the key to fast swims. Bike and run mileage is pretty low, but I was really trying to push the volume on the swim time, and get the fruit thing working in my favor. That translated into lower than normal bike milage, even though I really did stay on schedule very well. A couple of weekends "life" caught up and I didn't get in the normal weekend long bricks, but that's supposed to happen sometimes.
So through the end of June I'm at 146 times getting on the yoga mat. That is behind the pace of 150 that I needed to hit to ensure I was on track to get 300 yoga sessions on the year, but the deficit is not so bad that I can't make that up, mathematically speaking. The goal has not been eliminated yet. The next target is 200 yoga sessions by the end of August (2/3 of the goal by 2/3 of the year gone) even though that would mean 64 sessions in a maximum of 62 days. I can tell a big difference in my running and cycling speeds thanks to all of the strength and yoga training all this year.
This past weekend was one of those times where I got to enjoy non-athletic pursuits. We went back to Greenville to visit my parents for the weekend and had an absolutely fantastic time down there. Saturday we got in a great swim before lunch, then got to visit with my grandmother after lunch before another afternoon swim and a big birthday party dinner. It was a ton of fun and we have no pictures. We even got to see my cousin Ben and meet his new baby boy for the first time, and still got no pictures of the boy. Unbelievable. With Bigun's birthday last weekend and my birthday next weekend there was plenty of reason to get down there and celebrate. And luckily the pool in my parents backyard is mostly shaded. Once you got out of the water you could feel the 105* air temp down there, but in the shade and in the water it was fantastic.
Driving home Sunday the car said it got up to 110* outside, which is pretty insane. Raleigh was more hot than Greenville all weekend, so we picked the right path. We had the insane hot temps, but avoided a lot of the power outages like DC and other parts of the country had. Could have been much worse.
Long Distance Intervals
8 hours ago
Great job on the swimming! :)
Whoa. How is that you guys got hotter temps than us? Texas is suppose to be the hottest!
Wow, 146 times on the yoga mat!? That's great. I have maybe 8 times. Maybe 10.
Good stuff my man
Wow, that is boiling! Good job on the swimming goal :)
Awesome job!! Can't get over your yoga and swim numbers!
Good month. Stay cool. It's been crazy hot everywhere.
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