Today was too good not to post about it. I slept good last night, and woke up refreshed this morning, but stressed. I left work yesterday with mush brain from not being able to figure out how to fix this one error I was getting in my code, and that was bothering me early.
So I did some yoga. I do the 30 minute tv show Namaste Yoga on FitTV, just have a bunch TiVo'd. Still, it left me feeling calm and centered, and ready to attack the day and that software problem. Lurve me some yoga!
Got into the office by 8 and had that error solved by 8:45. I could have spent hours last night not fixing it with the mush brain; sometimes walking away and picking up your troubles another time really is the best way to find the answers. Thanks for the clear head Yoga!
Got 40 laps (1000 meters) in the pool over lunch. The normal company mountain bike ride on thursday's got postponed until tomorrow thanks to a conference call. But the pool was good to me today. I felt strong and slick in the water.
Of course, that will be even better after what I bought last night. Coach Katie is incredible. She is a real superwoman of an ironman. She worked out a deal with XTerra wetsuits to get special pricing for her athletes. As I was telling Kelley about this, she reminded me that I still had some christmas cash left over from last year. What's better than found cash? Turning it into a Vortex 3 Sleeveless wetsuit baby. Yea!!! I'll put some pics up when it comes in. But getting a $300 wetsuit for $99? wow, that's a steal. I've been paying about $50 each time I needed to rent a wetsuit, so this will come in real handy. Big thanks to Malone Coaching for working out that deal. It's good to be one of Katie's athletes.
She has also been handed the reigns to take over as director for the Assault on Mt Mitchell and Assault on Mt Marion bike rides this year!! Like she didn't have enough to do already. I'm telling you, superwoman!
After the lunch swim today I was ready to focus on some code, and it just came pouring out of my fingers. You ever have one of those days where everything just works? The job seems easy and fun? That was today. Very cool.
After work, it was time for the Thursday long run. I guessed 8 miles would be good enough for today, and it was smooth. Did the first 4 miles at 6.5 speed and didn't even get out of breath! I was amazed how easy it felt. Covered those first 4 in 37:20. Refilled the water bottle, and did the next mile @ 6.5, then 2 miles @ 6.6, and the last mile @ 6.7 for a negative split of 36:20 for the last 4 miles. I did finally get the heart rate up a bit towards the end. Still, this time last year I a 6.5 speed would only last about 1 mile before I thought my lungs would explode. and now I was barely sweating? That is amazing to me.
Winter training is all about building a base and forcing the body to adapt to new stimulus. These winter workouts don't have to be hard, but they do have to establish the pattern. I've had 2 runs, 2 swims, and a bike ride in the last 3 days. 8 workouts total since tuesday, plus the tri-power workout monday morning and tomorrow morning, and the mountian bike ride tomorrow too. I think multi-day workouts are a safe way to increase the milage and force adaptation (read: weight loss or at least fat loss) to a more constant schedule. If you are supposed to run 6 miles tomorrow, run 3 before work and 3 after work. You will be able to run those miles faster than if you ran 6 straight, and the goal is to be able to run more miles faster right? Just food for thought.
Then the strangest thing happened. I got a phone call from a guy at the old job in Atlanta. Just to say thanks for something I fixed for them last night. I didn't know if the fix I put in place actually worked, so I was glad it was a success. We've been trying to fix this particular problem for about 9 months now. But actual gratitude? I never got that when I was actually an employee there. Amazing.
And speaking of too good, joyRuN is giving away a popener and some popcorn. I think she has a thing for my ass, she was asking around today to put up ass shots. And since you know I'll do anything for free stuff, I must oblige. Even if the pic below will qualify me for posting on People of Walmart.
Actually, I think I have a decent rear end. It's one of the benefits of all this running! Still, Marcy would be proud.
I hope your tomorrow and weekend is as good as my thursday was! Time for Oregon vs Oregon St. Go Ducks!!!
A Week of Mexican Workouts
1 day ago
Cheers all around! Great job getting that long run in...Tybee is going to be fun!
Sounds like it was a good day! Yea for good days!
Great day. You were on a roll.... :-)
I was really enjoying this post until that picture of your ass ruined it for me ;-) Way to score the new wet suit!! I better get my ass moving too if I'm gonna keep up with you :-)
So glad you are enjoying yoga. I know I keep saying this, but I need to get a routine down to get that into my schedule on a regular basis and get back to my tripower routine. I miss that stuff and it feels like those are the first things to go because I am concentrating so hard on getting my miles in on the bike, treadmill, or the laps in the pool. I must change my way of thinking... this post helps a lot!
Way to go on your 8 miles. You are rockin' hardcore! Nice ass by the way!
Have a great weekend with your ladies, CJ!
You're really rocking your workouts. I agree, winter is about establishing a base and a routine. For me, in January, it's also going to be about starting speedwork again (CONSISTENTLY)!
nice deal on the wetsuit too! That's something I'm hoping to get for Xmas.
Sweet score on the wetsuit!
Nice job on the ass pic. Maybe it'll even get GP outta whatever hole he's climbed into.
Check out THAT boo-tay! ;)
Runners have the best butts, IMO.
Dude what an awesome day!
I just found your blog! Congrats on an amazing transformation and nice ass!
I've been dabbling in doing two workouts a day in the off-season and I'm loving it. I'm not as hardcore as you but I'll usually do yoga or run in the morning and then the other in the afternoon. I'm also following up my regular runs with hard strength training sessions and doing way more spinnning classes! Cross training is fun!
That's great that you're getting such a deal on your wetsuit. I am so impressed with all your workouts, you are gettin' it done!
Great job on the workouts, especially the Yoga. I am glad you were able to get some clarity to solve the problem.
**Wolf Whistle to the ass picture** Is this cyber sexual harassment?
Excellent work & yes, when things flow well, whether working out or mentally, it's GOOD! :-)
Cool deal on the wetsuit. I have an exterra too, it's nice.
My hubby's old boss drives down frequently for those Mt rides. We thought about checking it out sometime. What a small world that your coach is the new director!
Good work on improving your speed. It's kind of amazing how fast that can happen. I took a huge break from running while in grad school and started running again this spring. I could barely run at a 5.5 pace. Now I am consistently running my miles at 6.6-6.8 and then I do a 7.5 sprint for the last .25 miles. Kind of crazy how much faster I've gotten. I'd love to be able to eventually run an 8:30 mile by the time spring rolls around. We'll see if I can get there!
What a deal on the wet suit!!
I don't know if looking at your ass makes me gay...or actually dry humping your ass makes me more gay?
LMAO at Ryan's comment. Sweet deal on the wetsuit!!
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