So tuesday I was flat on the couch, and wednesday i felt better but still ended up working from home. Thursday I went back into the office but was still struggling with this stupid thing a bit. Then friday I went to the office, and it started snowing right after lunch.
Now when SC gets a little bit of snow the people there freak out pretty bad. I had no expectations of what Raleigh would do with some of the white stuff. We got flurries for about 30 minutes, then later on after dark there was some freezing rain. nothing actually stuck to the ground here. Farther west (greensboro, charlotte) they did get quite an accumulation. And in the mountains, Boone got 18", and Asheville got about a foot. but we got nothing, really.
Still, the schools closed down at 1pm, I left the office early just to avoid having the highway turn into a parking lot; I still worked from home the rest of the afternoon. Some businesses closed, the whole place just started shutting down. This was a problem, but not as much of a problem as I was expecting.
See, thursday night I went to charlotte and back to meet kelley. Concord Mills, actually. She came back to Raleigh with me because Saturday was her birthday and we had plans made for friday night. Those plans ended up being cancelled. But we still went out for a nice dinner and did some shopping, etc. Still, saturday we were supposed to do christmas with my mom's side of the family in Greenville. With our plans being cancelled we can go back to Greenville saturday night? well, not with the snow west of us. Greensboro was shut down.
So saturday morning we could make it back down, right? 143 wrecks reported on I-85 around greensboro. If we go south then west to avoid that crap, it turns the 4 hour drive into 6 hours. then we miss christmas anyway. waiting to get around those conditions was also going to add the time, so we were just screwed. Then kelley's mom said it was ok to keep the kids for another night, so I ended up getting my wife all to myself for her entire birthday weekend! We finished the christmas shopping and just got to spend a lot of quality time together. You just don't get to do that very much after you have kids. It was fantastic!
She made it back to Greenville today and the girls were pissed that I wasn't with her. The holidays are here people!! Wednesday I'm heading home for christmas. you can count on that.
I'm still fighting with the snots. moving quite a lot of mass through the sinusoidal cavities. I feel ok, but not as much energy as I had last weekend. I have been downing massive amounts of POM Wonderful, and it's working very well. Still, I needed to get a run in today just to see how it felt. I did 3.5 miles slow. i mean slow with walking. but it felt sooooooooo goooooooddddd just to be out there again. and I've been eating everything in sight since the cold started going away. What's that "feed a cold, starve a fever" thing all about? I keep stuffing my face I'm going to be too heavy for the first of the year.
December is gone people! Brace yourself for 2010. I hope to get to post again this week, but in case I don't I hope you all have a great Christmas! be well.
Semi-Wordless Wednesday: a Bloodbath!
5 hours ago
Sucks about the weather but I am glad you & your wife got some alone time! I know it's pretty rare once kids come on the scene.
Have a great Christmas - I hope the weather doesn't interfere w/ your plans! Always interesting to read about how other parts of the country handle snow. Actually, I can't even say that we handle it all that well here in the midwest. When we get our first snow fall, people drive like they have never seen it in their lives. Kind of odd, but oh well.
Have a great week! Hope you kick the cold very soon. Colds are so annoying.
That's quite the weather for SC!
Nice job getting the run in despite feeling icky. I always find that a run does a nice job of clearing out the snot though!
Sounds like you got an early Christmas present. Be well, bud, and have a merry.
PS: we measured 14" here and are still digging out.
Crappy illness! Glad to hear you are feeling a bit better. Sounds like you and the wifey had a nice weekend. ;)
I hope you start to feel better soon.
I have to laugh at all the "snow days" happening down south right now. The amount of snow most places are getting is normal for us up here in Canada! I suppose as far south as SC people aren't used to it though!
Have a great Christmas with your girls!!
Glad to hear you are feeling better, being sick over the holiday's sucks! However, you'd better get on your horse...Tybee is only 46 days away...tick tock...
Glad you are feeling better! Any free time sans kiddos is worth its weight in gold. You got to be flexible to take advantage. Have a great week!!
I'm glad you guys got to spend some quality time together, sounds like a great way to spend her birthday. Kick that cold to the curb!
I love it when people don't slow down when conditions get slick. It is great that you got so much time with your wife over the weekend!
Holy crap, I know, I can't believe it's almost 2010. Where has the time gone?!! I'm still icky from THANKSGIVING. Who knows what this funk is but it's evil.
Give my best to the fam, almost home, almost home.
Merry Christmas, too, Carolina John, and good luck with the move!
Hope you enjoy your Christmas too!
I found your blog and enjoy reading up on your journey. Thans for sharing! Good luck with your move and a very Merry Christmas!
Glad you're feeling better.
Happy Holidays and safe travels!
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