First, let me say that the knees are feeling ok. I wore a brace on each knee monday and tuesday, gave 'em plenty of ice, and things are better, but still not back to normal. I haven't tried running since saturday, but I will soon. I might get a few miles in today, and still make my 12 mile long run on saturday. I did talk with coach Katie, and she is recommending a Chopat brace, which is a strap you put under a knee to help stabilize the kneecap. So I should be able to pick up one of those soon from the local running store.
I am slowly getting used to the new clipless pedals and the indoor trainer. I got in about 45 mins on there tuesday, just long enough to realize how many small adjustments I still have to make to the setup. I couldn't get the computer to work, one pedal was too tight the other too loose, and the cleats were in the wrong position on my shoes. I might even have the tension set wrong on the trainer too. So this morning I'm going to make those adjustments and try again. Then after work I'm going to head to the gym for a little treadmill time. might not be much, but some treadmill time is in order.
And I'm adding a new ride to the schedule. Coach Katie approved, and said it's a fantatic ride that she does every year, and that the scheduling was fitting for me to jump in as well. It's called the Assault on the Carolinas, and there are three ride lengths, 30k, 60k, and 100k. They all start from Brevard, NC, and the 100k distance ends by climbing Ceasar's Head. I will be doing the 60k length. Ceasar's Head is the most challenging hill climb here in the low elevation mountains. Even my distance has 1.1 miles at 15% grade, which will be incredibly difficult. and 60k is about 35(?) miles, which will also be the longest ride I've ever attempted. Plus, it's going to be the first time I've ever attended a paid for organized ride where the police let you through traffic lights and stuff like that. Sure, I've entered plenty of running races and one tri with the same support, but this will be the first bike-only event. It's all going down on March 28, 2009, and I would love to see/meet up with any bloggy peeps there. I'm really getting excited about this one. Come ride it with me!
For the log, I got in the swim practice on monday, and trainer ride on tuesday. Yesterday the alarm went off at 4:45, and I just turned it off. It seemed like a good time for a rest day. Today's swim was preempted by Wifey's training, so I'm going to hit the bike instead. and either tonight or tomorrow am I'll get in some treadmill time. But I think keeping my workouts diversified and only in the early morning will make the marathon taper more effective, and still leave me prepared for the tri training season soon after. Only 4 workouts during the week should be one swim, one bike, one run, and one strength session, and the long run on saturday and maybe bike ride on sunday. Seems like a viable plan for the next few weeks.
Friday Funny 2417: Fitness Funnies
21 hours ago
john - yup! im back to doing 10 or 12 milers on sunday! very exciting to be back at long distances after my knee injury!!
So glad to hear the knees are feeling better!
That's cool about the bike race. I'm terrified of riding bikes, I need to get over that fear if I'm ever gonna do a tri..
Keep piling it on bro! It will keep life interesting.
I heard from your boss' secretary today, and I was like, who the hell are you? LOL... At least I didn't scare her away.
The people I work for now want to make me a permanent offer, and I got side work from a company from four years ago. Life is getting interesting here too :-)
So you're still gonna run 12 with the pain? I'm gonna try to do my half mary this weekend with this stupid calf thing. gerrrr.
Good luck with the knees! And that ride sounds great!!
Good luck! Sounds like you're getting good advice!
Watch those knees! That knee stabilizer thing is supposed to work. I tried that new tape stuff (there was an article in the new RW about it) certainly helped.
Thanks for the info about the assault. I have to look at the dates and such, but would love to do it.
Good luck getting your bike set up, you should really consider going to a pro to help your set up. The amount of comfort and power really does depend on saddle height, angle, position, cleat position; and with you having knee issues, you really need to make sure your pedals and cleats are set up with the right amount of float so you are not putting extra stress on your knees.
See ya in a couple of weeks!
Glad to hear you're getting things worked out with your knees. That brace sounds helpful.
When I first got my clipless pedals I wanted to be the independent woman and put my own cleats on. Well, apparently they weren't tight enough and they rotated when I tried to clip out. I had to scream from the street to get my husband to come out and catch me (I was trapped on the bike riding, if I stopped I would fall) and get my shoes off. Then it took him 1/2 an hour to get the cleat out of the pedal.
So if you did better than that you rock in my mind!
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