Boy it's good to be back in Greenville. That was a long few days in the ATL. Quick recap:
Saturday's 9 miler was pretty good. I split it up into 3 parts thanks to some intestinal disturbances. Must have had too much fiber friday night. But times and endurance were both pretty good. I love the mental difference between "how am i going to make it 9 miles" from a few weeks ago, and "9 miles? i did 12 last weekend" from saturday. When you can convince yourself that the distance you have to run is completely doable, it changes your whole approach.
Monday I got up at 5:30 am to hit the road to Atlanta. Work put a lot of difficult things on me both days. But Monday night Coach Stu and I hit the pool for about an hour and a half. It felt sooooooo good to get back in the water. And he really helped with my form. I was putting out about twice as much effort as I really should. Especially going into some of the longer tri's next year that's going to be huge.
So I finally made it to my god-parents house about 9 pm for some dinner. It was great to visit with them, hadn't seen them in a few months. And then we watched the new "Get Smart" movie. It was pretty good, but not as funny as I expected. and it meant a really long day.
Kaolee smoked me out on our run tuesday morning. The park loop we ran was 1.14 miles, and by the end of the second lap I was gone. totally spent. done. And she wasn't even breathing that hard. There were some pretty good hills, and it was cold. My lungs weren't prepared for the cold and they were on fire. So how do you deal with the cold? I could have used another shirt and some gloves. But the lungs really took the worst hit. I guess that's just something you get used to, and I've been doing the inside thing for a while.
It was fantastic to meet up with another blogger and I really appreciated the help. Running outside in a foriegn town isn't always easy. But when a new friend pops up and offers to come along, it's best to take advantage of that. So thank you, Kaolee.
I got thrashed at the office again, and made it home about 7 pm last night. Then turned into a giant puddle of mush and slept in some this morning. Rescheduled a few things and I can recoup a little.
One other funny thing has started. Bigun has begun calling yogurt covered pretzels "Happy Cookies". How cute is that? So go get yourself some happy cookies. We had a great photo shoot with the fall colors over the weekend, so I'll put some pics up soon. And we're getting the baby certified as an Evil Genius. She's refusing to be contained any more by the high chair or her rear-facing car seat. So we had to get her into a bigger car seat while I was out of town. She had five teeth come in last week, and was fairly evil. She's also speaking much more clearly now (genius).
Friday I will have more EG stories and I can finally reveal what went inside of Wifey's ring. and maybe some pics. c ya!
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
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Good to have you back! Sounds like your running with Kaolee went well :-)
Oooooo can't wait to see what your wife got put in there hehe.
sorry about the...distress...during your long run. I can't wait until I'm back at those distances. My interval workout last night was too much too soon, and it kicked my ass (not to mention the other people at the track were WAAAAAAY out of my league).
Since I already know what you wrote in your wife's ring, I'll be interested to find out what she did for yours.
If you make it back to Atlanta in the future, lemme know. I'm more into beer these days than running, but for you? Eh? I'll strap on the Mizoos :-)
Sounds like a nice run with Kaolee. Very neat to meet up with people and go for a run like that. I'm having issues with the lungs as well. Just gotta get them used to the cold, then it will be time to get used to the heat again before we know it.
I think I need some happy cookies.
Glad you're back safe!
It's funny: At first I read that you ran 9 miles and thought WOAH!... but then I remembered I have a 13.1 mile race coming up soon and will be doing 9 miles plenty of times! Ahh, the irony :)
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