It all started back in 1998 when I graduated from college. My first job was driving a truck (yes an 18 wheeler) in the management trainee program for a regional trucking company. I hated that job so much that I got married. The day we got back from the honeymoon I quit my job driving a truck, left Kelley in Greensboro for a bit until I had a job and a place to live lined up in Greenville, and before you know it we were living in a doublewide trailer in Greer. That's when we bought a couch.
It was a huge couch, two parts to a sectional sofa about 13' long when you put the sections side by side. It was deep, and the arms came up as high as the back. We paid $99 for it at a Rooms To Go Outlet store in Columbia SC and carried it back to Greer in a minivan. I built a middle thing out of plywood so we could put the sections in an L shape at some other houses we lived in. Eventually when I came down with a cold once around 2000, we discovered you could put the two sections together and it was about the size of a short double bed. Couchbed was born.
I don't know how this picture of Morgan driving a train while holding Bigun got in here but it's pretty cool. He's oblivious, she's terrified. |
couchbed in the mountain house. We found that center piece that totally did not match and used it in the corner anyway. |
At our last house in SC, even Santa Clause found Couchbed. |
Couchbed became a source of comfort. You're sick? I'll make up couchbed. That job you liked is gone? Couchbed is still comfy. Let's cuddle up and watch a movie. I heard that one a lot.
When we got our house in the mountains, the couch moved in up there. We moved it to 3 other houses in Greenville first, and 1 house in Greenville after we cleared out the mountain house, and eventually up here to Raleigh. That's where eventually this giant old comfy sofa met its ultimate demise. The frame boards on the bottom of the couch were broken. Half of couchbed had to go to the dump. And it did just that in December. The other half made it up to the playroom so the kids can crush it and I can watch tv up there while they play.
Couchbed, you will be greatly missed. Kelley's dad had a couch and matching love seat, and Kelley's mom actually ended up with the couch a few years ago. She wanted to get rid of the couch at the same time he replaced the love seat with something else, so we ended up getting the matching set again. That meant the broken half had to go and the decent half had to go upstairs.
Perfect couch for little girls to get pedicures |
then get under blankets and watch movies. |
There may never be another couch that was quite as comfy as couchbed. sad face.
Nothing better than an amazingly comfortable couch! :)
Especially a worn-in one. Our couch will meet its demise soon. Considering it came from the beach house my parents bought in 1985, I think it has lived well. It's my refuge from a snoring husband and my children's frequent unintentional nap spot. It will be missed, but my back is screaming out for more supporr, so alas it must go.
Especially a worn-in one. Our couch will meet its demise soon. Considering it came from the beach house my parents bought in 1985, I think it has lived well. It's my refuge from a snoring husband and my children's frequent unintentional nap spot. It will be missed, but my back is screaming out for more supporr, so alas it must go.
Awe. I get attached to things like that too. I saved my great grandmother's "farm scene" chair from the goodwill trailer when I was 16, after she died because it was so comfy. It was with me in many apartments with many a slip cover. It finally died on my back porch when my jackass dog dug a hole in seat cushion.
Awe. I get attached to things like that too. I saved my great grandmother's "farm scene" chair from the goodwill trailer when I was 16, after she died because it was so comfy. It was with me in many apartments with many a slip cover. It finally died on my back porch when my jackass dog dug a hole in seat cushion.
Awe. I get attached to things like that too. I saved my great grandmother's "farm scene" chair from the goodwill trailer when I was 16, after she died because it was so comfy. It was with me in many apartments with many a slip cover. It finally died on my back porch when my jackass dog dug a hole in seat cushion.
Awe. I get attached to things like that too. I saved my great grandmother's "farm scene" chair from the goodwill trailer when I was 16, after she died because it was so comfy. It was with me in many apartments with many a slip cover. It finally died on my back porch when my jackass dog dug a hole in seat cushion.
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