March is here already. wow. It's going to be a fantastic month - my expectations are pretty high. I've got a 10k race this saturday morning where I expect to PR. On the 13th we're moving out of our house in SC, then on the 19th we're closing the house sale. On the 21st I'm running my second marathon. It's going to be a busy and stressful month, but I know we'll all come through it with flying colors.
So what happened in February? Well I PR'd a half marathon and completed an Iron Week. That Iron week really turned out fantastic. And the half mary led to a wonderful weekend at the beach with my brothers. Here's the month's totals:
Swim: 11,480 yards (4.8 miles) including 2.4 miles in Iron Week
Bike: 203 miles including 112 in Iron Week
Run: 58.3 miles including 13.1 in Tybee Half and 26.2 in Iron Week
Strength Training: 45 minutes, 3 sessions
Yoga: 3 hours, 6 sessions
Wow, I really thought the totals would be higher than that. Final month of marathon training and all. 3 Tri Power workouts is pitiful. Should have been at least 9 workouts. 203 miles on the bike is pretty good though. And I'm loving the swim right now. Really loving the swim. But having 1/3 of the monthly total come from one run on saturday is not exactly "planning for a good marathon" in a few weeks.
I got tagged by JeepGirl the other day for this:
Here's the delio: go to the first folder in "my pictures" and scroll to the 10th picture. Post it and the story behind it.
It happens to be a picture of me holding Bigun the day she was born. Doesn't look like almost 5 years ago, huh? I've got a few more gray hairs now. She's certainly gotten bigger. Ok fine the first folder in My Pictures didn't have 10 pics in it, and the last one in there was a sample photo for some kitchen cabinets. This was the 10th picture from the 10th folder. I thought it was nicer.
I'm supposed to tag people too. But I'm totally going to cop out on that one and ask YOU to do it. I'm tired. I did some weightlifting (yes actual weightlifting) tonight and I can't lift my arms up anymore. It's 8:15 pm. Time for bed. Try to tag people (in the comments) that ran more miles than I did last month. That one should be easy.
A Week of Mexican Workouts
1 day ago
I can't believe how much you have changed! So impressive!!
You had a big month and have an even bigger month ahead of you. Must feel good to know you are close to closing the book on the old house. Moving is a pain in the arse, but it's going to feel so good to be done w/ your old house!!
Aww great pic!
March is a crazy month for me too. Stupid moving!
tick, tock, marathon day is drawing near! March is gonna be a great month!!!
You are going to have a great month!
Big things for March! and a PR. Nice.
wow feb was an awesome month for you and looks like march will be another one :) keep up the great work!! good luck with the moving, i know thats stressful.
Aww you look like such a happy new daddy! Love it. You have definitely had a busy year thus far and looks like March will be the same. Raise the roof for PRing!!
I love that kind of tired/sore after a faboosh work out! Is that sick or what?
Wow what a great month of training!
Love the picture!
whoa february was pretty darn productive for you. and since i wasn't reading your blog when you got a 1/2 PR, i'll say congrats a little late.
Awesome picture... much better than the kitchen cabinets!
The numbers might have looked a little lower than you expected, but hell, you PR'ed and did 140.6 in a week! Sure it's marathon training, but you are cross training a ton and that will make you a better runner... I promise you that!
Good luck with the 10k. Can't wait to hear how it goes!
Awesome month! I think Ironweek is a HUGE accomplishment. I've certainly never biked that much in a month--just the 112 I mean. This post did make me calculate my Feb totals--I might be posting them soon. I have a feeling I'm going to start smashing all kinds of records with bike and swim miles in the months to come---running will probably not be as high.
Keep up the awesome workouts!
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