I'm not a huge fan of the time change. I'd rather just stay on daylight savings time, really. But today it really got to me.
The move went ok. Saturday we loaded up both pods, and got a few truckloads of stuff to the storage unit and both parent's garages. Sunday Kelley and Mom went back and cleaned everything good, and we are out of there. It was strange to leave, 5 years is the longest we've been at one house. And we still found boxes that were never unpacked since moving in!
So we spent saturday night with my folks, and sunday Kelley took the kids back to her mom's place and I went back to Raleigh. I did get to visit with my grandmother some first. That was a real treat. Turns out she had to do the same thing! They moved from Gaffney to Charlotte (about 2 hours apart) when she was 9 months pregnant with my oldest uncle (he's 65 now). Then my grandfather had to be back in Gaffney, SC for 3 months. Some things never change.
So today was horrible. Screw Monday's. Screw the time change. It wasn't a big deal yesterday. But today when I woke up at 4:30 AM with a migraine, the body thought it was still 3:30 am. So of course there was nausea and more pain..... ugh. I hate migraines. How did I ever live getting those stupid things 4-5 times a week! Thank God for chiropractic care so I don't have those too often anymore. This is only the 4th migraine in the last 3 years.
So by the time I needed to leave for work, the medication had kicked in enough to let me drive. I got there on time, and got instantly overwhelmed. I got dumped on and yelled at. And the body is still pretty sore from moving.
Over lunch I had to find a UPS store near the house. I wrote down the address, and walked outside to find my trunk had been popped. Turns out somebody broke into my car and stole my GPS!!! The bad thing is I needed that; I had no idea where the stupid UPS store was. We are moved out of our house and I can't even get a PO box to forward the mail to! I gave up looking for the store and went home for lunch.
I get back to work and nothing goes right. You ever have one of those days where everything breaks? I still had the tinge of a headache, was knuckle-dragging tired, and ready to leave by 3:30. I left at 6.
I got lost going home. Actually, I found the UPS store behind a grocery store I needed to hit anyway. Then I got lost going from the grocery store to Target. Eventually found Target, and by this point I was so mentally done for I bought a shit ton of chocolate and a gallon of milk. I knew how I was going to spend the evening. Then even after buying dinner at the grocery store, I stopped at Snoopy's (a local hot dog joint) for some dogs and fries.
So in the end I have a PO box to forward the mail to, a new pillow to sleep on to help with the migraine, and enough reece's eggs to fill an easter basket. But no GPS in a town I don't know my way around in very well yet sucks. And I still have to file a police report. I want to put an hour on the bike trainer tonight just to have something happen today that I can feel good about.
So I hope your monday was better than mine! Got the marathon this Sunday, taper madness is kicking in. Pics from the move to come whenever we can plug in the camera again.
Monday, March 15, 2010
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Yikes!! That's a helluva monday!!! So sorry that your GPS got stolen, and had a rough day at work. Hugs, and here's to hoping that tomorrow will be a better day. Sounds like a ride is exactly what you need... followed by a good night's sleep on a new pillow :)
Man, sounds like you've had a bad enough Monday to last you for the rest of this year. Hope the rest of the week is much better. Hell, it's got to be right?? ;)
Oh, and yeah, I've had THOSE kinda days too!
Oh dude, that sounds like one helluva Monday. Sorry to hear it was in the shitter...
Tomorrow WILL be BETTER!
DUDE!!! That effin sucks! A little trainer time might be just what the doctor ordered...
Hey I just checked out the Tobacco Road marathon from your link and it sounds like a great race! I'm only bummed I didn't know about it sooner otherwise I would have trained for that. Your blog is impressively organized btw. Good luck at the race! Downhill finish is sweet!
Jeez, this story has it all.
It actually sounds like the plot of a halfway decent porn. "As CJ returns from Snoopy's with his Hot Dog and fries (Cue porn Music) he is assaulted but the gps stealing lesbianic gang who used his own gps to find their victim. Let's just say that the Hot Dog get assaulted..."
Mondays officially suck! I hope to today is a better one for you :-)
Geez, I came here intending to make fun of you (because if you'll Eff a Monday, you'll Eff anything, & who knows WHERE your d*ck has been), but now doing that would feel like piling on after the day you had.
So here's hoping things get better for you from now on.
Congrats on the move. Just throw those boxes away. If you didn't unpack them or need what was in them for that long, you don't need them. Cheers!
Oh no! I am so sorry you had a shitty Monday. That is awful. I hope the Reese's eggies made you feel better. Throw back a brewski. Always makes me feel better!
Man dude sorry you had such a crappy Monday!!! Hoping today is much better for you!
What a clusterf*ck, CJ :(
I hope today went much better.
Sorry to hear you had such a jacked Monday! Reese's eggs and milk cure EVERYTHING! Especially after a bike ride :) Hope you week gets progressively better!!
Sheesh you had a shitty day. Your's tops mine but mine was epically craptastic.
The time change also kicked my butt. 5:15 felt like 4:15. Got into work at 7. Had a big presentation to prep for my main client. Found a HUGE error in it 10 minutes before he was supposed to pitch it to his high-up manager... had to call & say - scratch that, it's massively flawed. Worked until 9 pm. So 14 hours. And then couldn't sleep so got up at 11 and did a little more work. And then woke up at 4:50 this morning and did more work.
I am deliriously tired right now.
Wow, total vent there. Sometimes life just sucks.
Serious clusterf*ck.
Raleigh really isn't that bad.... except when it is.
Oh geez! So sorry to hear about that hell of a monday!
Damn, that sucks! People are jerks, someone rifled through my car the other day. Boo. All they got was my cell phone charger.
Easter eggs? Man, I sooo want an easter basket. It's sad that I was thinking about that on my long bike ride yesterday. I want to eat the ear off of a chocolate bunny.
Catching up, I hope you had an awesome race today!
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