I've seen so many good, bad, and ugly posts in the last week or so that I thought I would throw my hat into that ring as well.
The Good
Our house in Greenville is under contract! Took four months, and we're selling for $30k less than the original asking price but that sucker is done. We finally get to be a family again. This is certainly good. They want to close March 19th, which is only about 5 weeks away.
The Bad
Thanks to my current situation at work we can't close the purchase of another home until May 15 according to my lender. So we will, officially, be homeless for a couple of months. That means right now I have to figure out what to do with people and stuff. I am totally open to suggestions here homies. Got any ideas?
For the stuff, I'm leaning towards getting a large self-storage unit in Raleigh. We can't afford to hire the moving company now, so I think we will have to move ourselves (which I swore I would never do again) into the storage unit. I will let the movers come in and take the larger furniture pieces into their warehouse. I'm just not going to haul armoires around like I did when I was 25. no thanks.
For the people, we're going to have to crash with family for a week at a time. My folks said they would put us up, I know we'll be ok with kelley's dad for about a week, and kelley's mom has an apartment they aren't using right now. I know the kids are going to get all kinds of disoriented and homesick, and we won't have a home to take them back to. This is going to be the toughest part.
The closing is March 19th. They take possession at closing, so we have to be moved out March 18th at the latest. Guess what happens March 21st? The Tobacco Road marathon. So much for an easy, stress free week before the race. Moving is an appropriate taper activity, right?
I think this means my marathon chances this year are screwed. I might be able to find a summertime marathon, or something in april. But this one is in my hometown, flat, and fast. Hence, exactly what I'm looking for. This has thrown my training for a loop. I've lost the motivation for my early morning workouts (tri-power and yoga), and the evening workouts are getting harder mentally. Lunchtime swim/bike stuff is still awesome, I'm going to put a mile in the pool today. I know that the house is more important than the marathon. But when I settled in for an 18 mile run yesterday and only made it 3 miles, I know it's because I am worried about house stuff. Also Kelley came into town yesterday so I knew she was waiting for me.
Still, I'm just off my game mentally. My left foot, knee, and (to some degree) hip are getting new pains when I'm running. It just doesn't feel as fluid as it should (or did 2 weeks ago). This weekend I'm going to head out to Furman to run around the lake some, we'll see how far I feel like going. I'm not going to write off the marathon completely until the house plans are finalized. But you guys know what the last 5 weeks of marathon training are like. When those long runs start to get really long you don't feel like moving furniture afterwards. I've got to get my head on straight for everything to be more effective.
That looks like a lot of bad, and only a little bit of good, but I swear the good is really good and the bad I can handle.
2 pm update: I put 80 laps in the 25 yd pool over lunch, which is just over a mile. 76 laps is a mile, according to a piece of paper tacked up to the wall in there. Now I am really hungry.
The Ugly
I've notice a growing and disturbing trend in the men's locker room recently. Men who are seriously overweight have been walking around naked with impunity. Don't get me wrong, I'm glad these guys are in the gym working on their fitness. And if you've been reading this for a while you know I have no problem with naked men and the sanctity of the locker room.
Apparently Swollen Sack Syndrome is sweeping its way across North Carolina, maybe even the nation. This is a serious problem which must be addressed; I've never seen anything like it. These sacks are so engorged that there is only about half an inch of pecker sticking out the top. It looks like an apple with a really thick stem. Please, in the name of health, check your husbands, boyfriends, and male co-workers sacks out to be sure they are not inflicted. We must stop SSS before it becomes a national crisis. So be kind to your favorite sack, treat it right and it will be spared from this new epidemic. So your mission this weekend, if you choose to accept it, is to drain a sack by any means necessary. Enjoy.
Friday, February 12, 2010
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Yes, the good is very good. very very good indeed.
And the bad is really just an inconvenience, right?
Those self storage units aren't too expensive. Good idea.
I don't know whether to laugh or cry about the SSS. Definately cringing.
The Good! Great news.
The Bad, is only temporary ane yes the kidlettes will be out of sorts for a little while, but just think of how exciting it will be to go house hunting.
SSS, well it certainly brings a whole new perspective to the Valentines Day weekend!
LOL...ducking and hiding...
Holy hell! Just so you know I plan on taking care of a sack this weekend. Ha ha!! I have never had a problem with anyone walking naked in the locker room at the gym. I would NEVER even at my thinnest consider it. I am very modest person but WOW! I think men are different.
Moving is an appropriate taper activity, right?
as long as you don't drop something on your foot, you'll be OK. Not that I ever did that.
Congrats on selling the house. Everything has a price and the price of family is trump!
I think we could make a big dent in starvation here in the good ole US if all these fat people just ate half of what they normally do!
Congrats on contracting to sell. This has been a long time coming.
You'll be fine on the marathon. Moving will keep your mind off of going insane as part of the taper.
More importantly: stop checking out the packages in the locker room! What good can this lead to?
I'm going to ignore any negativity in your post. Congrats on the contract! You'll be fine in the marathon. Good luck with everything!
Great post. Moving is so not an appropriate tapering activity. You are smart to find another race later in the year, especially after you get rested.
OMG, I nearly spit out my water reading that last one!!
hooray on the house! boo for being nomadic...
thought about using PODS? then they'd move it and store it and bring it back to you. (i *think* that would work for a sc to nc move...)
Hooray on the house. Boo about being homeless.
Portland is a fast and flat marathon. Just sayin' :P
I'm going to pretend I never read "The Ugly".
Have a great weekend!
SSS seems much better than groans in women's showers, imo.
Congrats on the contract! My neighbors swore with PODs when moving. You only have to move to your driveway.
Oh man - moving + a marathon in one week? Yeesh. That is a tall order, my friend......
I am so glad you got an offer, though. Will be good for you guys to be together as a family. The whole crashing w/ family is goign to really blow, but you'll get through it!
And the ugly thing? yeesh. Speechless. I am always surprised at how comfortable people are about being naked at the gym. i mean, they are more 'naked' than I am in the privacy of my own home. I would never blow dry my hair stark naked. But apparently a woman at the gym thinks it's totally normal. Weird.
Yeah on the house being under contract! And those things that fall under bad, well they're just minor, temporary inconveniences. And the goodness of the house - and having Kelley and the girls back with you - will make it all worth it!
So happy that the house is sold, and that you'll be with your girls again! I know you'll figure out the issue with the moving and storage... and the SSS! :S
Glad to hear the house is sold... dude, if I were in the area, I would SOOO help you move some shtuff.. sorry!
Great GOOD stuff.
Really gross UGLY stuff. Sad thing is, I've seen some bad SSS at work. Makes ME cringe & I don't even have a set.
I took care of 'my' set just yesterday. I better go check them to be sure they're not overly swollen or engorged!......................................................................................OK, no, they're good, we're fast:)
That sucks about the bad stuff. Sounds pretty crazy.
That really sucks about the ugly. Maybe that is the wrong choice of words...
Hahahaha! Congrats on the sale! What a relief! The "bad" will fly by before you know it. The ugly, hahahaha. Can't stop laughing!
oh the worm is indeed fantastic! and she told me about you actually, so i came to snoop. consider yourself followed (by me)... creepy! :) and HILARIOUS about SSS...so gross.
HAHAH oh my gosh at SSS.
Sorry to hear that the house and move is messing up your mental game with training. I'm so glad to hear the house finally sold and you all get to be together again! That's such awesome news. I'm hoping you find another great marathon to run later, when your schedule allows it!
You are like a cross between Steve in a Speedo and Glaven (may he RIP?) sometimes. Still - aside from that last bit...all good to know. I was going to mention PODS but others have so ... oh, right - the April tri. Definite maybe! Peace!
PODS and short term sublease in Raleigh? I <3 Craigslist. Like:
Dunno your budget, but beats a couch.
Welcome to sunny, suburban Raleigh! I give you 3 months before you wish you were living in Durham near the Tobacco trail.
Just sayin.
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