Kelley did a really cool job with the cake. It was her first time trying Fondent (sp?), that rolled out icing. it turned out awesome!
Kelley's dad printed more of the blueprint sized pictures so we hung them up everywhere. That is a really nice touch. All the other parents were impressed.
Michael made the trip up from Charleston, which was great. Here's Kelley's dad, my mom, Evil Genius and uncle Michael playing in a sprinkler. When we did the "what do you want to be called" name game after Bigun was born, Morgan wanted to be called "Unc" and it stuck. Michael wanted to be called "Grand Wizard", which I think may be the best uncle name ever.
She got a ton of presents. It looked like Christmas morning when it was all said and done.
EG got a few presents too. That was wild, she wasn't expecting it.
The biggest hit was the stuffed horse. They both went nuts over it.
I love this motion shot. Sometimes a little blur can be a good thing, you can see the pure joy on her face and the movement of trying to ride that horse. I wish I could be that happy again ever.
Some of her friends from kindergarten were able to make it. It is a blast as a parent to see their social skills develop, making friends of their own and just be able to form opinions about things. I'm sure that's going to get old, but right now it's still cool.
Kelley cut the cake and we all had a little dessert. There were also cupcakes and ice cream. yum!
My old friends Dean and Jenn made it down from asheville! Dean's one of the other guys I own the Banner Elk house with. And they just found out that Jenn is pregnant! That is so cool.
I actually got a natural picture of my neice Kaileigh. Like any good 13 year old, she can't take a picture without flashing a made up gang sign or sticking her tounge out, or pulling hair down in front of her face. It could be the only decent picture we get for a while, so I fully intend to torture her with it. She was pissed after she saw me snap the shot! hahahaha.
Here's the Flynn boys. Michael, me, and Morgan (holding EG). Funny part is you can see all of the other guys in the background. You wouldn't expect to see that many guys in a little girls birthday party. But it was all still fun.
The big thing she wanted was roller skates, so after everything was done she put on the skates and all of the safety equipment. 5 minutes later she was under the blanket with Kelley's sister Meri watching cartoons. That's how it goes I guess.
Sunday I finally got in a workout too. First run since the marathon last saturday, and it felt great! I did a 5 & 5, 5 miles on the bike in 15:04 just to warm up, followed by a 5k tempo run on the treadmill in 28:45. It felt so nice to get the legs stretched out again and get a good sweat on. My metabolism has been ramped since the marathon, and I've been eating anything I wanted to. After that run, I was really feeling hungry. So I dove right into the leftover burgers and dogs.
It's monday again, and I need more caffeine. Can't wait to watch the rest of the US Open today. This is when working from home has its advantages. Have a great day!
Thanks for stopping by my blog! I think its amazing that you went from cigarettes to running! Congrats on the marathon! :D I'm hoping to train for my first one soon- it's in Feb!
Glad the bday party went so well, especially in such heat! It was up to 105 here this weekend too and it was unbearable outside!
It is definitely super hot!
I love having a bunch of people over! It's always so much fun.
Looks like fun! I love the horse and helmet photos. Hope it cools down a little.
Classic - the cartoons in the helmet. That cake is gorgeous - fondant is not super easy to work with. Glad you're recovering from that marathon. Super pics!
Happy birthday, Bigun!
105 degrees? I'd'a taken up residence in the cooler with the beer.
"rednetic" as my word verification?
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You are a good daddy! Great pics and fun times!! I lurve it :-)
Looks like a very fun party to me. Gee, I couldn't tell that those were all the Flynn boyz;)
Hot as Hades here too!
What a wonderful gathering for a special birthday! Love all the pictures!
US Open, huh? I guess that is one sport I haven't had any desire to watch on tv... I keep plenty busy with others. LOL
Dang! Kelly really did an awesome job with Bigun's cake!!
Glad you were able to have fun with that heat :D
The party looked like A HIT! What a beautiful cake too, I'm horrible with icing.
Great job getting back out there after the marathon. I always like to take a week or so off I think it helps to really WANT to get back on the road vs. feeling like you have to.
Love the picture of cartoon watching wearing a bike helmet!
A little late, but, congratulations on your first marathon. It sounds like it was a tough day. One for the record books!
Again...your girls are simply gorgeous!
Looks like another great birthday party! the girls are so cute.
Yeah, I like the pic of the blanket with the bike helmet on. Little kids are funny.
Looks like a nice party.
that cake's awesome! sounds like you had fun :o)
What most adults wouldn't give to be able to go back to those blissfully happy moments it seems only kids can experience! Great pics, Kelley did a fabulous job on that cake.
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