Monday, February 6, 2012

SC Visit

It's always fun to head back to Greenville for a weekend to visit with the family when you have a weekend free.  Friday after work we went down to SC.  We didn't get to see as many people as I'd hoped, but it was still a lot of fun.  Mom made some really cute dresses for the girls out of some scrap material she had laying around.
What an adorable princess!

How cute is that!  Bigun got an all white dress that she refused to put on.  little stinker.

Speaking of little stinkers, After last sunday's poo drama I fully expected a repeat this sunday.  It wasn't quite as bad, thank goodness she did it while we were at Grandma's house and not on the highway somewhere.  And it didn't take any begging pleading or phone calls this time, but still made quite a mess and caused quite a stir.

That young'un ain't right, as we say here in the deep south.

Saturday night my brother Morgan and his girlfriend came over, as did one of my grandmothers who wanted to see the girls.  We had a fun dinner hanging out with them.

Sunday was a bit of an adventure.  We are hosting Bigun's Indian Princess meeting here at our house tuesday night, so we had to start making the invitations in the morning.  we didn't get very far.  I wanted to leave between 1:30 and 2 pm to head back to Raleigh, and it ended up being closer to 2:30.  Not too bad.  The best part of sunday, by far, was this:

Getting to meet Lisa!  She was in Charlotte for work and her flight happened to come in early enough on Sunday that she was there while we were driving through Charlotte on our way back home, so we got to stop and visit for about an hour or so.  We've been blog friends for years but since she lives in MN I never thought we would get to meet in person.  Turns out, she's just as incredible in real life as she appears on her blog.  Exactly the same!

Of course after leaving Charlotte, the kids started getting sick.  We think Bigun has an ear infection, and that must have kicked in some motion sickness or something.  Maybe it's viral, who knows.  but I think we did get to spot a clear difference between the two kids.  We were circling a parking lot after picking up some dinner when Evil Genius tries furiously to open the car door and get out while the car is still moving so she doesn't puke in the car.  Of course the doors were locked and she still had her seat belt on so she couldn't go anywhere.  We stopped and got her out, and she spit out some mucus but didn't puke.   All prep, no puke.  Then about an hour later we stopped to get some more tissues at a drug store, and while we were waiting in the parking lot  Bigun puked all over the back seat.  We were stopped, she was unbuckled and the door was unlocked and it would have been perfectly safe for her to puke outside the car.  But no, that wouldn't be challenging enough.  So she covers the back seat with kid vomit.  Bigun's all puke no prep, and EG's all prep and no puke.  If we were in Texas I'd make a joke about cattle and a hat.

But I can promise you that cleaning up that much puke after we got home was no joke, and it was all daddy.  And it was disgusting.  We finally made it home about 8:30 (really?  6 hours to make a 4 hour drive?) and they went straight into the shower, then to bed.  It took almost an hour for me to get the car cleaned up after that.  So nasty.  I really felt bad for Bigun having to ride the last 90 minutes of the drive with all of that bile around her and under her car seat.  It couldn't have smelled good.  We cleaned up as best we could onsite and rushed home without stopping again.

What was missing from this weekend?  We had tons of family and friends, and lots of puke.  Running.  There was no running of any kind.  We've got races the next three weekends in a row with a local 5k next sunday, then the Myrtle Beach Marathon on the 18th, then another small 5k the weekend after that.  I think we're going to organize a meetup in myrtle beach, so let me know if you want to get in on that and I'll be sure to send you the facebook invite.  And now more cute kid pics from this weekend when they weren't feeling sick....


Unknown said...

I've had a drive like that. Headed back to Charlotte from Dallas one time and my oldest was puking up everything, even water. It makes for a less than stellar road trip.

Your new header reminds me of MTV in the olden days.

Wes said...

LOL... I love kids. Really, I do. Never a dull moment. I find that I love other people's kids even more ;-)

Kenley said...

I don't have any kids yet, but always fun to read about the adventures of others. lol. It's always a blast going to visit family in SC. It's like a different planet. Take care.

Amber said...

I'm SO glad you and Lisa were able to connect! That is a great photo of the two of you!!!

Sounds like a great weekend all around.

Anonymous said...

I've done the puke clean up thing before and I was sick by the end of it! I hope that virus isn't in your house!

Katie said...

adorable pictures!

Calyx Meredith said...

Oh gosh I do NOT miss those drives and that kind of kid puking. The dresses are darling. In the end it's always worth it to make those connections and see people you love - but what a ... delight traveling with wee ones is. And YAY for you getting to meet Lisa! How totally fun. Blogger meet ups are awesome. Peace!

Calyx Meredith said...

Oh gosh I do NOT miss those drives and that kind of kid puking. The dresses are darling. In the end it's always worth it to make those connections and see people you love - but what a ... delight traveling with wee ones is. And YAY for you getting to meet Lisa! How totally fun. Blogger meet ups are awesome. Peace!

Ironman By Thirty said...

Poor kids! Hope they feel better!

Where is your pink dress?

PS: After poop in the last article and puke in this one are you trying to tell us not to have kids??? haha! kidding!

Jess said...

Well it sounds like you had a good time visiting with everyone....except for the whole puke episode.

Hope the kids are feeling better soon!

Lisa's Yarns said...

It was so great meeting you all! I wish I could bottle up your adorable southern accent! I have such a thing for accents! I am so glad it worked out to meet up!!

Oh my, the puke thing sounds horrid. Poor kids. :( I think I would have puked cleaning it up!!!