My kids are insane. For halloween, Bigun insisted she dress up as Unc (my brother Morgan). I told her she couldn't carry the required quantity of illegal drugs in public; even at age 4 she could still be prosecuted. She didn't care.
The funniest part is actually what she wanted us to dress up as. She said Kelley should dress up as a door, and Evil Genius could go as a lamp. Only our eldest would want to dress up like a "normal" person - not that Morgan is usually considered normal - and still want everyone else to blend into the background. EG fell in love with an actual penguin costume, so that was incredibly adorable. She would practice her waddle even saying "waddle waddle waddle" while acting like a penguin. Adorable.
She also said that I could dress up as Natalie (Morgan's girlfriend - she is actually normal) because every Unc needs a Natalie. She likes Natalie, I get that. But really? Daddy in drag? You want daddy to dress up like a girl and be your girlfriend for the night? There's so much wrong with that, some therapist is going to love her in 30 years. We found some glasses and took the lenses out, and flip flops and pajamas for her costume. It is Morgan's typical dress code after all.
I ended up going out as a farmer; a pair of overalls was all the clean clothes I have in Greenville these days. The scary part is most cold spring weekend mornings you can find me in the backyard working the garden in the same overalls and straw John Deere hat that I used as my halloween costume. Kelley's always made fun of that hat, but I like it. Didn't think it would come in that handy though. She went as a (hot) witch.
Our neighborhood in Greenville sucks - it's such a red state on halloween. Over 200 houses in the hood and only 3 available for tricks or treats. Of course we told the kids that they got a great hall and went over to Morgan's to let them steal his candy. My parents were over there too so we all ended up having a great halloween.
Here's all the GU's I got with the rest of the gear. These are going to come in handy on saturday. Some of these flavors look great. Vanilla Gingerbread? bring it on.
October is done and November is here. Here's the totals from October:
Swim: 10050 meters (6.28 miles) over 9 swims. It's about time.
Bike: 100 miles over 6 rides
Run: 27 miles pathetic
Strength: 2:50 over 10 workouts. kind of pathetic but I'm ok with it
Yoga: 2 hours = 4 sessions pathetic
Now granted, in October I started a new job, joined a new gym, moved 4 hours away from my family, and had to completely re-orient my entire life. Including changing my training from a 7 day week to a 5 day week and adding multiple workouts per day. So this is more like 2 weeks of training rather than a whole month. I can live with those totals given how Life got in the way. But I adore the new training routine, and I wish I had longer to use it before tapering.
So this saturday, a scant 4 days 9 hours away, is the Beach 2 Battleship. I'll post race targets and more info later. But today I got in yoga before work, 800 m swim over lunch, and 20 miles on the bike after work. Tomorrow is just a short run after meeting my friend Mandy for dinner.
Mandy runs a non-profit that is having a fundraiser at the Chic-Fil-A near the Crabtree Mall in Raleigh, NC if you are in the area. Come join us to support this charity! Mandy and I have been friends since college, her husband Chris was my little brother in our fraternity, and Chris is also running the b2b as his first half on Saturday too!
Taper, taper, taper. Run tomorrow night, then swim wednesday, then maybe a short bike on thursday? Wednesday's swim might just be the end of the training plan. I'll post race goals beforfe we head out of town. C ya! How do you make a door costume anyway? We couldn't figure it out.
Omg, your kids are SO cute! I love how she wanted to dress up as your brother. That's HILARIOUS!
I am totally laughing at your daughter's costume choice. That is just great! Cute kiddos!
I can't believe its almost race time already! That is just CRAZY!
And I think you did a great job in October, all things considered.
I cannot WAIT to hear all about next weekend!
Your kids are adorable!! I think that is great she wanted to be her Uncle for Halloween. What does your brother think of this? That is so funny!!
Cute Halloween pics and stories!
Imagine if she wanted to get dressed up as a snail. Talk about adventures in parenting.
Halloween sounds like fun around your neck of the woods! The girls are too cute!
Wow, 4 days until B2B. I am so excited for you! :)
Looks like a fun Halloween. Good job getting in some decent workouts amid such major life changes. Cheers!
I love the girls costumes! They are so cute! Sounds like you had a fun Halloween!
too much fun, little peeps are great aren't they!
Good Luck with B2B if you don't get the chance to post before hand. I've got my cow bell out for you!!
So excited for you. If I don't have a chance to tell you closer to the weekend, have an awesome race. This is BIG! I'm over the moon excited, dude. You have worked hard to get to this point. And even amidst job changing and traveling back and forth. I can't wait to hear about it. Can I get a text update? How do I track you???
Your family is awesome! I love the costumes!
I'm super jealous about your gear and GU's. Just being honest! ;)
Looks like some good stash you got there! Save some for me.
Too cute. Great costume....a door and your brother? Interesting...
Your kids are so adorable!! Good luck w/ the taper. That week before a big race is so full of anticipation. I am sure you are going to do awesome, though.
How do you make a door costume anyway?
Dress her up as Jim Morrison.
Problem solved.
Your kids are adorable! I'm not much of a Halloween person but I do love kids costumes.
Wishing you tons and tons of luck for B2B! I can't wait to hear all about it.
That is hysterical about wanting to go as her Uncle, a door and a lamp. So funny but so cute!
A door? LOL!
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