is over. It went out with a cannon blast. Actually, my furnace blew out like someone shot it with a cannon. The gas man said it is going to have to be replaced, so I called my HVAC guy for an estimate and he thinks he can repair it. Repair man is coming today, if he can't fix it we're in trouble. It finally got cold enough here yesterday for me to turn on the heat. Hopefully next week we will be listing this house for sale, so of course the furnace now needs to be replaced. At least we'll be able to advertise the house with a new roof, new paint job, and new furnace. This is the way it goes I guess.
The bike shop called too many times yesterday. Turns out the broken spoke from Saturday's tour ride meant I will have to replace the entire wheelset. It seems strange to me to put $250 wheels on a $500 bike, the frame is supposed to be the most expensive element. But that was the cheapest wheelset they had, a Mavic set sized for that bike. The plan is to sell that bike sometime in December/January and actually buy a nice bike. You see the pattern here? I want to sell something and it breaks.
This continued in everything yesterday. I had several big work things to knock out yesterday, including publishing a major software upgrade and new design for So I ended up working about 14 hours yesterday. But tomorrow (Friday) is my last day on this job, so it had to be done. So the end of September also brought several meat punches from the job.
In training, I hit the elliptical tuesday night (5 miles in 36 minutes - fast!), and missed last night's bike ride. Here's how the monthly totals ended up:
Swim: 0 crap
Bike: 273 miles (1 tour) sweet!
Run: 50.1 miles - not bad, most of those are elliptical miles
Strength: 7.6 hours right on target
Yoga: 4.5 hours right on target
So no swimming blows. And dealing with a hip injury sucks. But I'm loving 273 miles on the bike, that rocks!
is my favorite month of the year. This is documented from last year. NHL hockey starts today with regular season games. ROCK ON! Tomorrow is my last day at this old job. This weekend we're lining up some babysitting help to get the house ready to list for sale. Tuesday I head to Raleigh, and Wendesday I start the new job. With the move to Raleigh, there are more gym options, so I will actually be able to join a gym with a pool. I plan to find this gym before going up there. The search is on.
Baseball is in it's final week. Chances are good that I am going to win my fantasy league. My beloved Mets ended up with the second highest payroll and the seventh worst record in the league. But I love the baseball playoffs. I hope the Rockies and Twins can pull out playoff spots. And football is getting into full swing. Conference matchups and rivalries really heat up in October. For a sports fan like me, this is gold.
My hip is feeling ok just walking around. Still doing PT work and tons of biking, but October should bring a return to running. I'm going to spring for some new shoes, and meet up with Coach Katie over the weekend for some form help. I think that will put the final stamp on this stupid thing.
October also has two races for me, the Ache Around the Lake 8k running race a week from saturday. Kelley took 3rd place in her age group in this one last year. This is one of my favorite races, as Coach Katie is the race director. and it's a beautiful course around Lake Lanier. Then the following Saturday 10/17 is the 60 mile bike ride up Ceasar's Head. It will be my first time climbing that mountain, which some think is the toughest in SC. I also have one other 60 mile ride on the schedule before B2B which is only in 36 days!!
October rules!! Fall is here!! Consider yourself warned.
Thursday, October 1, 2009
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Just had to give you a great big hug for being a mets fan. I was born & raised in Queens and will always and forever love my boys in blue (even when they suck).
"It finally got cold enough here yesterday"
What, like 55 degrees? ;)
It was 32 overnight here in MI and I didn't turn on my furnace.
I love October too! Getting into the thick of it with football season, watching the MLB playoffs, fall running weather. Seriously the month of Oct. rocks!
Geez, why doesn't Sarah (D-MI) [aka Sun Runner] just come right out and call you a p*ssy so I can just say, "I agree with what Sarah (D-MI) said"? Why is it always my job to point out what a p*ssy you are?
Wow. You must really live in some kind of sh*thole of a house, huh?
Just busting your chops, brother! They're all money-pits. But moving bites BIG TIME. Teh 'Bride and I decided when we got our house back in 1992 that we would NEVER move again. Which meant doing a few renovations over the years, most of them not planned.
But what else can you do?
$250 for a f*cking wheel? Sweet Baby J! You're in the south .... Can't you get one of the local banjo-playin' feebs to whittle ya one or somethin'?
I knew there was a reason I liked you, Life long Mets fan. My heart broke this year, it was "THE YEAR" That is unitl EVERY starter spent time on the they are going to have to break up the team and start over....
$250? Ouch. Glad you can get that baby fixed though.
Maybe you need a couple rough days to bring in your favorite month!! Yikes. Welcome to October!
Yeah, october is definitely my favorite month too. Halloween, fall foliage, hot chocolate? Plus its perfect and chilly for some long rides and runs :)
ouch on needing to replace the furnace and the wheelset on your bike
Oh that stinks about your furnace AND your bike. UGH.
I'm loving October so far - this weather is PERFECTION.
Awesome miles on the bike!
You still have a bit of time to hit the pool hard before B2B. You'll get it done.
Glad the hip is feeling better.
HOLY CRAP 36 days!?!?!
Yay for October!
get your arse in de pool...
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