Last night I took the kids to see the Muppet Movie with a friend of ours and her two kids. I was surprised how much I enjoyed the movie, it had cameos by so many fun people! The movie was very well done, the kids ate way too much popcorn, and everyone had a good time. Kelley stayed home to get ready for the big week ahead (of which I cannot give details yet).
The plan worked pretty good last week. Officially the weight went from 187 down to 182. The goal is still 175 but I want to get under 180 for the 5k next weekend and the marathon on the 18th. Workouts went ok last week, with Saturday being the only sucky one. I finally got back in the pool for an incredibly difficult 2400 yards on thursday. I can certainly tell that I didn't swim in February. Tuesday's running intervals were half mile repeats at a 6:38 pace. Thursday's tempo run was 4 miles at a 7:30 pace. I also got 42 miles on the bike done.
Saturday's brick was the only thing that really blew. It was raining and temps in the mid-30's out there, so I headed for the gym for some cardio cinema and treadmill action. Captain Ron was playing, and if you've never heard of it.... it may be the worst movie ever produced. It was Ishtar bad.
I'm not sure what was worse, the fact that Captain Ron was playing or that I got there just in time to catch the last 10 minutes, ruining the ending for the rest of the short time I was in there. After going all week without processed carbs, I got really hungry a short time into the ride. The same thing happened while I was swimming thursday as well. No glycogen means instant fatigue when going hard. Or maybe I was just ready to lose my lunch after suffering through such a horrible movie. I mean somebody had to make the decision that Captain Ron was the right movie to play on repeat for Saturday, and I would like to slap them. But I got that kind of low blood sugar feeling hungry about 9 miles into the ride, and after drinking more water it didn't go away as fast as I wanted it too. So I got off of the bike at 10 miles, and ran 1 mile on the treadmill just to complete the brick before going home and stuffing myself. This week I'm going to play my nutrition a little smarter to try and prevent that.
During the week last week it was in the mid-70's and low-80's around Raleigh. It was incredibly nice driving around with the top down. March is proving to be very up and down so far, as this week is going back to the 50's and we're supposed to get some snow this morning (but it's not going to happen). It's crazy, I'm enjoying it, and don't forget that we go back on Daylight Savings Time next weekend. What a wacky March!
Mom made and sent some incredibly cute costumes up for the girls. They are Cinderella and Snow White, and the kids have been living in these things.
Long Distance Intervals
6 hours ago
yea, I took a break from my diet too. 18 beers later and a 5K and windy 7 miles, and I feel like death warmed over :-)
Such cutie pies :-)
Wow, your mom is incredibly handy with a sewing machine. Those costumes are awesome!
Wow, your mom is really really talented! I am impressed! I would have loved to have costumes like that when I was a kid!
I made a dumb nutition mistake this week, too. I ate breakfast at 7 on Sunday, studied until 12:30 and then went for a run without eating another thing. I felt weak and pukey and cut my run short. Lesson learned - I need to eat something before a run. My tank was totally on empty
I love the outfits! Love! I would put that on and wear it all day in a heartbeat. Can she make a slightly bigger one?
I bet you were tired with no carbs! It really took me a while to learn what and when to eat before a run. Can you still eat beans? I find those make me run like the wind. Ha. Ha.
So cute!
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