There is absolutely nothing going on right now. I did nothing last week, and still need to take it easy this week. Tapers and recovery weeks throw an inconsistent monkey wrench into the plan that is depressing and leaves me quite restless. I got in a 5 mile run yesterday in a vain attempt to maintain sanity. I took it very easy at a slow recovery pace and the muscles still screamed until they calmed down and the tendons started screaming. Recovery = ugh; sanity = questionable.
On the family front, Bigun starts her last quarter of first grade today. She's learned so much and grown a ton as a person during first grade; I'm very proud. Only 9 weeks to go, then she's tracked out again for the month of June and goes back to second grade in July. Got to love year round schools. And since the Evil Genius is still on a traditional calendar she goes on Spring Break next week. That means we get them both in school at the same time for only one week. This is the closest we will get to Normal until mid-April. EG gets screwed, she finishes the pre-k church program in mid-May and then has to start kindergarten in July. More school than a (then) 5 year old can handle.
One funny thing to note. The swim team that I'm on sends out a weekly email with that week's practice times & locations, plus any race results from team members and upcoming swim meet info. Last week's email included the marathon we ran, so it listed my time (4:08), and Kelley's time (5:38, and she isn't actually on the team) and a 3rd team member who ran the full marathon. I didn't recognize the name, but he was in the M25-29 ag and ran a 2:52. Seriously? There was another team member who ran the half marathon in 1:19, and he does swim in my lane. I mean, I like to think I'm pretty fast now. And I really love this team, but they sure do know how to serve up the humble pie. It's the same way in the 5k's, I'll put up a decent 22 minute time and there will be 4 other teammates running the same race in 17 to 19 minutes. Now I'll take all the competition I can get, these are the people that push me to be faster in everything. I think this is the year I'll start catching up to them.
This week is a slow start back to tri training with short, easy bike rides, runs, and one or two swim team practices. I've got something cool coming up this weekend.
Long Distance Intervals
5 hours ago
There is always someone faster. Hope the recovery goes fast. Cheers!
I didn't realize ypur daughter goes to a year round school - will both of them eventually? Ut sounds like it would be so much easier from a scheduling perspective.
And geeze...those guys are speedy! I still give you the "speedy award" though bexause i continue to be impressed with ypur paces!
GAK - those are some fast times! but swimming is different than running, you know. :)
a 2:52 - WOW! I am always amazed at the "fasties" and their times. I like to think I am built more for endurance than speed - that is my excuse anyhow... :)
Wow. 2:52. That's awesome. I dated a guy (that I met while buying a pair of shoes at a running store) who ran a 2:40 marathon. Except it turned out he was a total a-hole. Like he told me I would have a firmer butt if I just ate differently (great, thanks for letting me know, I was a size 4 so not exactly over weight).
Anyways, um, got side tracked by that memory... It will be good to get back to a training schedule. I always feel off when I am in between training plans...
Enjoy your recovery!!
Having taken an unplanned 5 days, I can sympathize. I was getting ancy, feeling fat, all that good stuff.
Nice work though, take it easy, and you'll be back in no time. No sense overdoing it
Enjoy your recovery!
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