Tuesday, November 3, 2015

How to Finish a Shed

I think we did it! After 5 months of weekends, evenings, and lots of hard work it looks like the shed is finally done. Sure, there are always more little tweaks. We could use a little more pegboard on the interior walls or something. But now we feel comfortable moving all of the tools and shelving in there to call it done.  Here's how we finished it off. This is a ton of pictures

Kelley built a potting bench beside the back door! no dirt in the shed.

Exterior walls are all built out, now we just need doors and an interior

Electrical is all done, we even got a 220v outlet for the kiln

Front side has the underside of the gable finished off

Then I built ramps to get in. This is the front ramp

And the back ramp
I didn't exactly get the stepping stones propping up those ramps evenly spaced. And I did add more stones in front of those later. But now we have a completed shell and everything else is finishing touches.

There is a project management theory that the first 90% of a project takes as much time as the last 10% of a project. Starting with those ramps, I think, we're into the 10% side of the project. I'm just glad to cross over that milestone and see the light at the end of the tunnel.

I started with a plan to build the doors out of the same siding and molding used for the rest of the exterior.

First door is finished and hung!

Having both doors done really makes the front look finished

Tough to get a picture of the exterior siding, but this is the left side

and this is the right

I look confused

that's better!

We got some luan up on the walls and nailed up a pallet to hold the yard tools

we put up some pegboard as well, and you can see some detail of the inside of the doors

Back doors are built and hung!

Very excited to be done building doors. The back doors didn't fit as well as the front doors did.
Got knobs? Back doors are finished!

I added hook-and-eye catches to hold the back doors open

Under the gable is finished too. We are some happy carpenters!

Finished product from the back

The plywood floor wasn't sturdy so we used leftover hardwood & bamboo to cover it

Final finished interior floor
Sure we could use some more luan & pegboard on that right side but the doors are locked and we feel comfortable moving our stuff inside. We started this project during the June trackout and finally finished it in October! So glad it's all done. Now for some organization...


Al's CL Reviews said...


Lisa's Yarns said...

Nice work! I bet it's great to have it done!! It turned out great!

Abby said...

You are freaking awesome.
My how to finish a shed - Hire someone. I am not at all good with stuff like that.

Kyria @ Travel Spot said...

Wow! That looks great! You put a lot of work into that shed. I know that every little project around the house always turns out to be harder than you think and I am sure this was no exception! Now you can start organizing it and making it your own, which is the most fun part!