Only 10 more days until the start of my Ironman training plan! Feb 2 is going to be here before you know it. I'm starting out easy with a couple of warmup weeks before the base phase begins. The distances will actually be shorter than what I'm doing now, but it will establish the schedule that the distances will grow from. The basic schedule is:
Saturday: swim/bike
Sunday: bike/run
Monday: PM run
Tuesday: bike/swim
Wednesday: bike/run
Thursday: bike/swim
Friday: Praise God Rest
Double downs. Two a days. They start here. 2 weeks of warmup, 22 weeks of base building, a 12 week build phase, and a 2 week taper. That's a 38 week plan of weekend bricks and weekday double shots. T/W/Th's bike rides will be done in the morning with the other workouts in the evenings. I'll be rejoining the RAM team in March for my swimming practice again. Got to work my distance back up to the yardage they put in.
I know you're all ready to tackle my plan, huh? I've been doing a few things to get ready. Working out once a day to try and get ready, still taking my Friday rest days. Baha even threw me into a facebook group for a 30 day ab/core work challenge. Do 15 minutes of core work every day for 30 days straight to help us get ready for the tri season and stay motivated. I've been working it in with my regular yoga, and by working it in I really mean replacing sometimes. It's really going well so far.
I also signed up for twitter, follow me under the handle SendCJToKona - as in I want to make a kona run in a few years. Eventually I'll get a badge on the blog design. I am really enjoying the tweet life so far. It's fast paced and cool.
Following up on a few older posts:
We ended up dropping Directv. Time Warner cable actually offered to lower my current bill with them if I added the tv service, so we ended up doing that. I really hated their dvr software the last time, but I can't turn down a lower bill.
I got in a great 6 mile run outside on Sunday afternoon. My cousin came down from DC for a surprise visit which was fantastic, and when they left it was about 70* so I got to pound some pavement. Today I also got in a 4 miler. My legs are finally getting re-adapted to running distance at a consistent pace again, flushing out the lactic acid, and being able to rebound nicely without feeling sore for very long. It took longer than I thought it would, but is quite a relief.
This monday the MMNW finally came in inside of the safe zone for the first time this year. 179.8 lbs and 19.9% body fat. The safe zone is under 180 and 20%, and I wanted to be there before launching the ironman training plan. Good to go. Jan 1 I came in at 186 and 20.6%, fwiw.
Relief is the key word for a post I'm working on for next week. Do you ever anticipate anything as much as I do this training plan? I'm ready for kickoff here!
Vegan Lemon Cake (oil-free)
1 hour ago
Consider an easy easy 30min run on friday...there are no rest days!
Sounds like a solid plan. I am doing B2B full as well with a Half in April here in Georgia
Looking at your way I want to train for an IM.
off season? What off season? We don't need no stinking off season! Good luck with the plan!
Woo hoo! I am glad you are on twitter - I will have to follow you. :)
Oh man, training for an IM sounds SO intense. But you are so ready for this and I can't wait to see how it goes!
Man i don't know how you manage to fit all those workouts in your schedule! That is some impressive time management. I'm excited to follow the journey though!
Lol my nickname is for a minute there I was like huh? Why you want to send me to Kona? ;-) not that I'd mind!!!! Keep it up!!!
When is B2B again? It's scary to me that you're starting training soon. I've been in a "pre-training" phase coming back from a running injury and trying to work on just in a few workouts of all three...still enjoying yoga and flexibility =).
Save Friday! Don't run. Everybody needs a rest day! Holy lord that is one intense schedule. I thought my 3-4x per week of running was grueling. Are you still working from home or do you have to report to an office now? How will you have time for this?
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