Saturday is the Battle At Buckhorn, a local sprint triathlon in Wilson NC. I did this race last year and it ended up being one of my local favorites. Something about the location just turned out really nice, so I have been looking forward to this year's race for a long time. Of course last year the race was in May, not when it's supposed to be 100* outside in July. And this year the swim went from 1000 yards down to only 750. That gives me a disadvantage now that I'm a much faster swimmer.
We all still have goals and dreams. I should be able to knock out the 750 meter swim in about 8 minutes, the 17 mile bike under an hour, and the 5k run in under 23 minutes. This will be my first 5k since the Grand Prix series ended and I feel like I'm a lot faster now. Plus this is a great run course. Last year I missed one of the turnaround points and turned the 5k run into a 4 miler, and still finished in 28 minutes (a 4 mile pr).
All of that is contingent on this toe thing holding up. I haven't run since the open water swim on Saturday. The toe is still pretty black under the nail. The rides and swims have been great this week and I'm feeling really strong overall, but the stupid toe thing could be crippling when I start running. I really hope it can hold out and heal up completely before the Lake Logan oly in 2 weeks.
ya got to love a sprint. Go out hard, finish strong. This is my only sprint for the year, so I'm going to tackle it like a defensive end hitting a quarterback. I know there's lots of other good races going on this weekend, so good luck if you're getting out there!
Long Distance Intervals
5 hours ago
awesome! have fun!
Just peel off your toe nail and you should be good to go.
Good luck! Maybe tape up your toe just in case! You don't want to trip over your own toe nails!
Good luck! I hope your toe doesn't hold you back. You are one fast dude these days so I can't wait to see how this race goes for you!
750 in 8 minutes? That's smoking!
You should take as much pleasure as you can, while you can, from Phillies losses because I see your Mutts also lost again last night; and by season's end, the Phils will be ahead of the Mutts.
Even in this horrible season we're having, we are better than the Mutts.
Good luck in your sprint. Let's hope you're more David Wright than ... well, any other Mutt.
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