But not a 10k! Kelley is getting overwhelmed in Greenville. So I am blowing off the 10k race saturday and heading back Friday night to help her pack. I was going to leave straight after the race anyway, but this will buy me about 5 extra hours of packing time. I have reserved the right to go out to Furman and run around the lake for 6.2 miles while I'm down there, just to get a time. Now I've got to look for another dang 10k too. It's not a popular distance down here. At least I feel good about supporting the cause of women's safety around the Raleigh area. That is very important to me.
There's a lot of meme's going around right now which I love! I got tagged by Amanda to do the "10 random things about me" meme. Joe posted it today too and I was going to claim a tag from him. Funny enough, Joe's blog is Rock Star Tri and Amanda's is Rockstar Rants. What an unusual coincidence.
1. I have never been a rock star. However my brother Michael is an actual, bona-fide rock star with groupies and everything. Lookup the Slow Runner channel the next time you're in Pandora, or you can download Slow Runner songs on iTunes. He's going to put out another record soon.
2. I was a decent musician. As a Music Industry Studies major at Appalachian State university, my principal instrument was voice, but I also played piano and guitar. I was not actually very good at any of those but it made me popular in high school (at least in my own head). I was the first person at my high school to ever audition for and make the SC honors all-state chorus all three years I was eligible. Now I play piano for my kids. I'm still not very good at it.
3. I used to have "a way" with the ladies. Don't let all the good looks and charm fool you. After 11 years of marriage my flirting skills have become "are the kids in bed yet?" but before then I used to be a smooth talker. Now all I have going for me is being rich, handsome, and athletic.
4. I majored in Radio. Actually, I spent the first 2.5 years at ASU as a music major and racked up enough hours to be classified as a senior. So naturally I then switched majors from music recording and production to Communication - Radio and TV production. That took another 2.5 years (as a senior) to finish.
5. I was a truck driver. Turns out, there is no good work in radio. So the only job I could get was driving an 18 wheeler for Wilson trucking. It sucked. I hated it so much that I got married. And that was all in the first 6 months after college.
6. I am a junkie. Full blown - Hi, my name is John - Hi John - I'm addicted to nicotine, caffeine and big women. I should go to meetings but I don't. You know I put the cigs down. And since Kelley lost all that weight I'm done banging fat chicks. But by God you will have to pry that coffee mug from my cold, dead hands!!!
7. I am hungry. Right now. All the time. I love to eat and I eat. all. the. time. I work out more so that I can eat more. If you love to cook we could be good friends.
8. I'm not actually rich, handsome, or athletic. I might work out 14 times a week, but I have yet to finish a race in the top half of my age group. It does not bother me. One day I will be in a smaller age group.
9. My wife thinks I'm gay. Mind you, she has good reasons. I shave my legs, love musicals, dig chick flicks, I totally queen out over "The Batchelor", watch soap operas, use terms like "queen out" to describe my own actions..... it's a long list. I'm into more girlie things than she is. Hell I even drove a Miata before we had kids. Just yesterday I was telling Ryan about the time I had a mani/pedi and they put clear coat on (I was trying to talk him into doing the same thing). And a few weeks ago I told him I was going to shave his name into my pubis and dye it "white hot", but you'd have to read his blog to know why that's funny. And he's the one that had "gay shaved triathlete" show up in his google analytics search terms. Geez.
10. I speak my mind. My hope is that no actual musicians, addicts, LGBT's, truck drivers, or rich folk were offended by my comparisons - they were all in the name of humor. But you handsome or athletic types can kiss my ass.
Thursday, March 4, 2010
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Nice list!
Love the list of randoms. I love learning random info about people. NO idea you had such a musical past!
I am also hungry all. the. time. Even when I am not putting in tons of miles. I sometimes feel like I have a tape worm or something.
"I've never been a rock star"
What?!?!? And here I thought you were....LOL
Your list made me laugh. Great sense of humor!
OMG #6
The fact that you refer to it as a "mani/pedi" is the most revealing bit of all. Regular dudes wouldn't know what a mani was if it ran up and bit them on the pedi.
Just admit it already. You're totally gay.
Say "hi!" to the FIRST for me.
Hahaha, if only Glaven was still around to read this post... ;) Have a great weekend!
Not only does your wife think you are gay, she also thinks you are old. Michael is coming out with a new "record" soon? Can it be played on my victrola? Thanks for the insight Grampa!
This is crazy! I have seen your brother's band live! I saw them at a show in Atlanta, Halloween night, 2008.
Don't sweat the AG thing, your time will come...maybe Duel in the Dunes II, the rematch???
Hahahahahaha. O M G.
I quite enjoyed this list. Thanks for some Friday morning humour.
ha ha ha ha...
so glad i tagged you.
I feel the same way about coffee, I can't go a say without it. If I added up the amount of money I spend on beans or at starbucks it's probably enough for a car.
How did you go from Communications to computer programming stuff? Those aren't the most similar skill sets.
I wish the 10-K would gain some resurgence with race directors. All these 5-Ks are lame.
You make me laugh.
You are too funny :-)
Way to make a girl laugh first thing in the morning..not sure which is my favorite, "queen out" banging fat chicks, it's all great. Haha have a great weekend, hope ya'll get it all packed and you get a great 6.2 in.
Your hilarious.
Gotta say though, you are kinda handsome. You know, in that gay sorta way!!!
I would totally go with you for a mani/pedi. I may even let you use my nail polish!!! I think your a red man!!!
Apparently I've somehow not visited your blog for a while (!?!?) and missed you posting so many photos of yourself!? I'll be back every day if that's what I get! ;)
#3 LOL
Awesome list! :)
You are seriously one of my most favorite people ever, this made me laugh out loud. Hee.
I'm thinking your wife might be right about you. I don't even shave MY legs between the months of December and March. ANd I've never had a mani/pedi. That would involve someone actually touching me, and I try to avoid that at all times.
I'm all about #7. Could've written it myself, only probably not as well.
Mr. Moose was a truck driver for many, many years. Then I took him away from all that and now he lives on wife support. Not really, but he did manage to make his escape.
Wow. Just wow.
You are five times the woman I am. Perhaps I should give you my uterus? ;)
OMG, I'm killing myself crying I'm laughing so hard! Thanks for the list...
Now I have to go and re-apply my eye makeup....
Best.list.ever :D
Thanks for the laugh! I needed it.
Great list!
You were right. This may be your funniest post ever. Good thing you got married or you may still be banging fat chicks! :)
OMG. This is hilarious.
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