First, the cute. Saturday was the Grandmother's Tea Party, and this year both girls got to attend with my mother.
Evil Genius was only "mildly Evil" for the party. Mildly Evil but totally cute!
They both had a really good time. My mother's good friend started this years ago for her granddaughters, and has invited other kids with their grandmothers since then.
The whole crew. How incredibly Southern is that? Girls in white dresses (except Bigun) with big hats on? Sooooo cute! I think the girl pointing in the front row is Madeline. She ran her first triathlon earlier that day at Furman. Then her mom and dad ran the Greenville Sprint with me on Sunday.
Greenville Sprint Triathlon
On to the triathlon Sunday morning. I finished 259 out of 345 men with an overall time of 1:31:16. Again, I'm the back of the pack guy who never beats anybody else at an athletic event. So this was amazing. There is no age group breakdown available online (dissapointing!) but it does list overall placements for each event.
Hanging before the swim start. Tri folks are the best. The SUGOi tri suit is rockin! It really came through for me in the race.
The Swim: Last year 10:50, Goal 8:30, Actual 8:22, 161/354
Starting the swim. I put in the wrong 100m time at registration, so I thought I was going to be flogged in here. Instead, I saw why most people prefer an open water swim over a pool swim. I passed several people, and then got caught up behind a group of 5 bastards who were clogging up the lane. Open water? go around. Pool swim? get kicked in the stomach. I kept hitting this guy's feet, normally that means hold up at the next turn and let me pass you slow shit. He didn't get it. I think I could have cut another 20 seconds off the swim time if it was in open water.
That's pretty good form! Might have my head a little too high out of the water, but still feeling good. You can see the splash of feet in front of me.
I'm starting to pass this guy in the white cap. Again, decent form. That's me in the blue cap.
T1: Last year 6:17, Goal 2:00, Actual 2:45, 252/354 FAIL
This is my one real logistical failure. I had 2 gel's sitting out on the towel next to my bike shoes. They did not make it into the 2 pockets on the back of the SUGOi, so I had no gels to take on the bike. I did have a bottle of Gatorade and a bottle of water on the bike, and the nutrition plan was to take one gel in the first few miles, then another one near the end so I would be fueled up for the run. Instead, I threw on the bike helmet, socks & bike shoes, grabbed a sip of gatorade and water from the bag and took off.
Bike: Last year 1:10:39, Goal 50 minutes, Actual: 49:38 Holy SBJ success!
Heading out on the bike. This is where the biggest time gains were made. Last year I remember seeing the sign "entering Greenville County" and thinking that I had already been on the bike for hours. This year, I was shocked how fast that sign came up. I left jenny in the big chainring most of the time, only dropping back on 2 of the 4 climbs. I was passing people riding uphill, I came out of the saddle to speed up for a pass, I got passed a few times towards the end. But overall I was loving the bike ride. I knew when to push hard and when to sit and spin. I did not get chased by 2 pit bulls like I did last year. I did have one car incident. Big pack of bikes, 2 cars, me, then another car. So I spent a good 7 minutes sucking exhaust before the pack got right and the cars could pass. That wasn't fun. But overall, I turned that bike leg into my prison bitch.
T2: Last year 2:47, Goal 2:00, Actual 2:28
WTH? That wife of mine, she do like the eye candy. In T2, I had to change bike shoes for running shoes. I did get some stretchy shoelaces at packet pickup, so no tying the running shoes. Just slide on and go. BUT I had to take the time to take a gel, and shot down a bunch of water. My new camelbak hasn't come in yet, so I was relying on the aide stations alone for hydration. Hence the extra time in T2. Oh well, that's what I get for not putting those gels in the SUGOi for the bike ride.
Run: Last year 32:00, Goal under 30, Actual 28:06 PR
Holy crap I cannot believe I actually finally broke 30 minutes in a 5k in a triathlon! My legs were incredibly fatigued from the bike, I knew I wanted to push the bike hard and that might mean sacrificing some energy on the run. I just let my form carry me, walked when I needed to (this run course had some killer uphills!) and let my time fall whereever.

Out of T2 and on the course. That's a decent forward lean, but I'm still coming down with a slight heel strike. The HeadSweats visor you guys recommended kicked ass! It just came in last week, so this was my first time running with it. You know you're running in a triathlon when they put 8 aide stations on a 5k run! actually, it was 2 aide stations on a 2 loop course. so you hit each aide station coming and going on both loops.
Finish: Last year 2:02:30, Goal 1:45, Actual 1:31:16 PR
A great runner once said, "if I cross the finish line with a smile on my face, hit me in the stomach with a 2x4. It means I didn't put everything I had into the race." Staring down at the mat arms pumping isn't exactly the best finish line pic, but holy shit I had my eyes on the prize. Even after setting my individual sport goals, I thought there was no way I was going to be able to make the 1:32 overall time that they added up to. It's only fast people that finish in an hour and a half. The top 3 in my age group finished in 1:05, 1:07, and 1:08 so I was nowhere close to the awards. Still, absolutely amazing. I had no idea this would actually be possible. There was also 3 people this year who finished the race in under one hour.
In case you forgot, this is what happy looks like. After the finish line. The TOA sprint tri I did in Raleigh in April took 1:42, and it had a 10 mile bike instead of the 15 mile bike yesterday. How I can ADD 5 miles to the bike and finish 11 minutes faster I have no idea. but I like it.
5k, Kids Run, baseball game
Bigun is ready to race! the outfit is so cute with the pink tank top and pink running shoes. She got so excited!

The girls had a ton of fun playing around before the race, and we were off! My dad snapped this shot of me starting the race. It ended up being the only pic we got for the 5k. I slept a litte bit Sunday afternoon while the girls were napping, but my legs were still feeling a little fatigued after the triathlon. This race started at 5:30 pm. There was a decent hill at the start, then a second really steep uphill. I was channeling The Gazelle and her love of uphills to get me up that sucker, but I think I pushed it a little too hard at the start. After the first half mile, the rest of the course was flat or slightly downhill. Awesome! If I had gone a little easier at the start I could have hammered longer at the end. I walked once in the first half, then it started raining about the one mile mark. At the halfway point there was the only aide station, I walked and drank. So thirsty! My shoe came untied during the second half, and I had to stop and tie it again. I wished I had the other pair from the tri on. With about a quarter mile to go I walked again so I could make a stronger push at the finish. Then pushed it really hard. I totally chicked this huge guy at the finish line b/c he had taken off his shirt and had to show the officials his number. HA! this race was gun timed, not chip timed. So when I stepped on that finish line and saw 26:00 on the clock my jaw just dropped! That's an 8:22 pace, or 7.2 speed on the treadmill! I've never gone that fast that far even in tempo runs, and I even slowed to a walk 4 times. so my pace while running was even faster. Each walk break was less than 10 seconds I think, but still. that's insane. The winner finished in 15 minutes, I have no idea where I was in the age group. Results should be posted online soon.
I waited around for Kelley to come in. Knowing when the clock hit 30 minutes I had to get on the trolley to head back to the stadium and catch Bigun's run. Kelley came in at 30:13! She was amazed. I'm really proud of her. this was her first 5k ever. She's done 5 mile, half marathon, and full marathon distances, but never a 5k. So 30:13 is a great PR for her too. Even if it is a PR the Glaven way.

We both made the first trolley back to the baseball stadium, and Bigun wanted both of us to run with her in her race! It was one lap around the ballfield. She flew out of the gate, then started breathing hard around center field and asked "where is the finish line?". Kelley did the same thing in her first race, so we had a great laugh about that. Coming into 3rd base my parents were taking pictures with our camera.
Check out that smile! That form! That's my girl.
She hasn't taken off the medal yet.

Finish: Last year 2:02:30, Goal 1:45, Actual 1:31:16 PR
5k, Kids Run, baseball game
I waited around for Kelley to come in. Knowing when the clock hit 30 minutes I had to get on the trolley to head back to the stadium and catch Bigun's run. Kelley came in at 30:13! She was amazed. I'm really proud of her. this was her first 5k ever. She's done 5 mile, half marathon, and full marathon distances, but never a 5k. So 30:13 is a great PR for her too. Even if it is a PR the Glaven way.
We both made the first trolley back to the baseball stadium, and Bigun wanted both of us to run with her in her race! It was one lap around the ballfield. She flew out of the gate, then started breathing hard around center field and asked "where is the finish line?". Kelley did the same thing in her first race, so we had a great laugh about that. Coming into 3rd base my parents were taking pictures with our camera.
Kelley and EG enjoying the ballgame. The rain we got during the race delayed the start, so we only got to see the first 2 innings. I got in the hot dog, but the beer had to wait until we got home.
Overall, it was an amazing weekend. I can't believe I did 2 races in one day. I don't think I will try that again. But I PR'd the Greenville Sprint by 31 minutes, NOBODY makes up 31 minutes in one year! 10 or 15 minutes maybe. but wow. That included a PR in the 5k (28:06) and my anytime sprint triathlon PR. Then I PR'd the 5k AGAIN? that's nuts. And Kelley got a 5k PR and Bigun finshed her first race. So what did you do this weekend?
Double PR. Doesn't get much better than that! Well done and savor it. Wow.
WOW! You did amazing!! Love the pics, and congrats on the PR! You smoked that race!!
Congrats on all your race success!
Your girls are adorable and they look JUST like their mom!
congrats on the race successes! two awesome PRs is great! woo!
Great job on all the races!! You did awesome!! I love that the whole family was involved. That's very cool...
What an AWESOME weekend! Congrats to you, Kelly, & EG!!
Hilarious about smiling at the finish - I was grinning all throughout T2 (dunno why), & someone said I'm not working hard enough.
That is AMAZING! I can not believe how fast you got in the last year. So impressive. Must be a good feeling to know all of your hard training has paid off!
I did something somewhat intense this weekend as well. My brother challenged me to swim across the lake, and I couldn't not take him up on his challenge. We are estimating that it's probably 1.5 to 1.75 across the lake? I haven't really done any swimming for years. I honestly didn't think I'd finish, but I did!
Your daughter is adorable! Love the race pics & that tea event is such a neat thing!! I wish I was a southern girl! We just don't do things like that in the midwest!
one word: AWESOME!!!!!!
Wow, you and Kelley both did fantastic. Great work on the Sprint Tri success, my goal is to break 30 min on a 5k in a Tri too.
Awesome job too on the 5k! 26 min is smokin'! I haven't done a straight 5k since 2005 and have been itching to find one to PR. (my current 5k PR is 29:29 I think)
Whoa, a lot to absorb here, but first off, obviously, CONGRATS all around!
Bigun sure is a cutie and I love the pink outfit.
Man, you kicked some serious @$$, brother, in both of your events and have reason to be especially proud. I thought your goals were a bit too ambitious when I saw them in your last post but I was wrong. Well ... there's a first time for everything.
Congrats to Kelley! PRing the Glaven way is the best way and once you PR Glavenly, you never go back.
Again, congrats all around and a GREAT report!
GREAT job on the PR's! That's fantastic, especially for doing TWO events in one day!!
Bigun is SOOOO cute, hahaha! Sounds like a fantastic weekend for the whole family! And that's great you guys are getting her involved in things like running when she's young!
Thanks G. It's unusual for me to mention you in a non-insulting fashion, but you've done a bunch of new race distances lately. I found it humorous and appropriate. and I thought 1:32 was out of reach as well. In fact, I'm still kind of in shock.
I have been lurking for a while now and just had to comment on how hilarious your wife is! She has great taste in eye candy! LOL! Love your blog!
Great weekend reporting but I would just like to point out one thing. When you first stated my 5k time at the top of your blog you put it as 30:31 rather than the true time of 30:13, I just don't want to be confused for one of those slow bitches that were behind me!
If you can do 3 races in one day...just combine them and make it an Ironman.
Oh, I'm glad you left the camelbak where it belongs, with the training stuff.
Next time tape the gels to your top tube or squeeze them in a water bottle and fill up the bottle. Half a bottle = 1 gel plus bonus water.
OMG these are the best pics ever. Your tri pics are phenomenal, and your family is simply too cute for words. Congrats on your HUGE PRs!
What a weekend! Great job to all of you! And the pictures are wonderful. You're little one is going to be quite the (tri)athlete! :)
Wow, John. Nice pic of you coming out of T2, I like how you ditched the tri top! :) Thats what I was talking about in my blog the other day, being in that kind of condition to run sans shirt!!
Holy cats. Look at what one year will do. That is awesome!
The picture with the girls all dressed up in white is great!
Wow I am so so impressed with what you have accomplished!! Really great double PR! WOW!
Simply incredible. Your awesome!
Holy cow! PRs in both the sprint tri and a 5K? In one day? Amazing. Great job and loved the reports. And the pics of your girls? Adorable.
Awesome job on the tri and the 5K! BTW you have two beautiful daughters! (I'm a friend of Jenny B in your blog before but never commented) :-)
Your family is too adorable! I love that you all did the race- a family that races together stays together :)
Nice job on everything.. as usual!
And I like the eye candy... but I definitely want more next time!
YOU ARE AMAZING!!! Yes I am shouting bc I want everyone to hear! Congrats on your great race weekend!!! Your girls are adorable!
Nice work on the races! Props to you for doing more than one.. I would have just done one and bagged it after that. :P
Nice pics of the fam
Well done! Wow! You totally blew your prior time away!!!! You've got me beat. Passing on an uphill, that feels nice... Congratulations!
Whooo hooo to you and the fam!!! Bigun looks so happy with that medal!
GREAT PICS!!!! And congrats to everyone - nice work!
You rocked the weekend all the way around! WoooooHooooo!! Well done.
AMAZING job!!!!!!! congrats!
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